Chapter Seventeen

Winter changed to spring and with it came Jack's nineteenth birthday. It was celebrated quietly, just he, Rose and their daughter. March faded into April, bringing yet another nineteenth birthday--Rose's. Parenthood seemed to agree with both of them and the two families simply adored the new addition. When summer came, things, while not entirely unpleasant, became rushed, hectic and at times, put a severe strain on all relationships involved. Jack and Rose triumphed though, and walked hand in hand as they embarked on a new life together in Boston.

July 30, 2005
Minneapolis-St. Paul Intl. Airport

"I can't believe you two are actually leaving!" Ashley sniffled, hugging her two closest friends tightly.

"Ah, don't cry, Ash. We'll be back next month for your wedding," Jack reminded her.

Ashley wiped away a tear and smiled. "I know. I just wish you weren't going to be so far away."

"You act like we're moving to another planet. We're only going to Boston. Besides, all our family is here, so we'll be coming back a lot," Rose said.

"You better," Joseph said, gently taking his granddaughter from Elaine. "I don't want to miss a second of this little girl's life."

Rose smiled, still amazed at how much everyone adored little Amanda. Jack was the best father anyone could ever ask for, always there to lend a helping hand. Amanda was the apple of his eye and rightfully so. "Don't worry, Dad. We'll be back at least once a month. And you're always welcome to come visit."

Don nodded. "And we'll be taking you up on that."

Amanda started fussing then, and was handed over to her mother. "She's probably hungry. I'll be back," Rose said, disappearing into the ladies' room.

Joseph watched her go and pulled Jack aside. He gave him a no-nonsense look. "Listen, I don't want to come off like a jerk, but I just want to remind you of my promise. You hurt her, I'm coming after you. I don't care if Don is your father. Just because you're not living here anymore doesn't mean you're out of reach. You understand me?"

Jack gulped and nodded, knowing he was dead serious. "Got it."

"Good. I don't just have a daughter to look out for anymore, I also have to worry about Mandy. Treat them with the utmost love and respect, because even if you and Rose don't last, they're both a part of your life forever."

"I could never treat them any other way. I love them both with my entire being."

Joseph smiled. "Glad to hear it."


"Flight 216 to Boston is now boarding at gate 31. Flight 216 to Boston."

Rose met Jack's eyes and smiled. This was it, the beginning of their lives away from the shelter of their parents. Grasping Amanda's carrier firmly, she hugged each member of their families and the few friends that had come to see them off. "Bye. I love you. I'll miss you."

Jack did the same, and taking Rose's hand, he waved one last time. Together, this little family boarded their plane.


"Here we are," Jack announced proudly when they pulled up in front of an apartment building. Rose's eyes glowed as he helped her out of the taxi. The driver placed their few pieces of luggage on the sidewalk and thanked them when Jack paid him. "Shall we?"

Rose nodded eagerly, grabbing as many bags as she could, carrying the baby seat. Jack took the others and led her up the steps to their apartment. Setting down the luggage, he fished the key out of his pocket. Flashing Rose a huge smile, he unlocked and opened the door. Rose gasped at the sight. The apartment was large, airy and bright. Their furniture hadn't arrived yet, leaving the room at its actual size.

"You like it?" Jack wanted to know.

"Oh, I love it. I can't believe we're actually here," Rose said softly.

Jack smiled and pulled her to him and kissed her. "I know. Our home. Our future. It's all ours now, Rose."

"And there's no one I'd rather share it with."


Four hours later, the moving van had left all their belongings inside, and they were unpacking while Amanda gurgled happily in her playpen. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, startling Rose, who went to answer it. There was a petite blonde-haired girl who couldn't be much older then herself.

The girl smiled warmly. "Hello! I saw you coming in earlier, and thought I'd come over and introduce myself. I'm Helga Dahl."

Rose returned the smile. "Rose DeWitt-Bukater. Please, come in."

"Oh, I can't stay. I just wanted to be the first to welcome you to the building. My brother and I share the apartment just below yours if you ever need anything."

"Well, thank you. It was nice to meet you."

"You, too. Well, I'll see you around."

Rose waved as Helga disappeared down the stairs, and smiled.

Chapter Eighteen