Chapter Eighteen

One Month Later

"Ready for Harvard?" Jack teased as he and Rose got ready for bed. They started school the next day, and Rose had been a bit stressed about it.

Rose glared at him. "Ha ha. Shut up."

Jack grinned and pulled her down onto the bed. "Aw, come on. There's nothing to worry about. You were the smartest person in high school. There's no reason you wouldn't be now."

Rose sighed as she snuggled down next to him. "We went to school with a bunch of idiots. The people here were the smartest at their schools, too."

Jack chuckled. "You'll be fine. Stop worrying about it so much."

"I'll try not to. You think Mandy will be okay at daycare?"

"She'll be fine. They're ranked the second best daycare in the United States. She'll be in good hands. You know that."

"I know. I'm just going to miss her during the day. I've never been away from her for more than a couple hours."

Jack hugged her. "I'll miss her, too. We'll get used to it. Just give it time."

Rose nodded and leaned up to kiss him. "We better get some sleep. I love you."

"Love you, too."


Rose watched as Jack drove off towards his first class and turned to face the building her own was in. It was large...much too large, she decided. Suddenly, there was a familiar voice behind her.

"Hey, Rose!"

Rose turned around and smiled when she saw Helga. The two had become good friends in the past month and she was relieved to see someone she knew. "Hey, Helga. Where you headed?"

Helga indicated the building in front of them. "Right there. You?"

"Same, actually."

"Great! Come on!" Helga exclaimed, climbing the stairs. Rose reluctantly followed.


Luckily, Rose and Helga had the same class. Helga introduced her to a few people she knew and everyone was incredibly nice. The class went by quickly and before Rose knew it, the day was over. She had made it through her first day at Harvard!


Once classes were over, she walked with Tommy Ryan, Helga's half brother, to a nearby coffee shop where she and Jack agreed to meet.

"So how was your first day? No big disruptions, hmm?" Tommy asked, opening the door for her.

Rose rolled her eyes. "Jack told you about my anxiety, huh?"

Tommy grinned good-naturedly. "Ah, well, don't hold it against him. I was nervous my first day, too. It's normal."

"I suppose it is. Have you talked to Fabri lately? I haven't seen him around," Rose said, eager to change the subject.

Tommy nodded after they had ordered. "Aye. Yesterday, in fact. He's seeing some chick in Arlington. So he's uh...been busy, so to speak."

Rose burst out laughing. "Fabrizio di Rossi, the womanizer! Who would've known?"

Tommy chuckled. "Right. He better watch it, or Sylvia's going to catch on and whoop him good."

Rose shook her head. Fabrizio, another one of their neighbors, had become a good friend, along with his girlfriend, Sylvia. "Serves him right. Nobody deserves to be cheated on."

"I agree."

Just as Tommy got up to leave, Jack came in. "Hey, Tommy. Hey, Rose," he greeted, kissing Rose.

Tommy looked crestfallen. "What, no kiss for me?" he joked.

Jack laughed and sat down next to Rose. "Sorry bud, my boat don't float down your river."

Tommy grinned. "Eh, you're not my type anyway. I gotta get to work, so I'll see you two later."

"Bye!" they both called in unison. After he left, Jack turned to Rose.

"You ready to hit the road? We have to pick Mandy up by four."

Rose nodded. "Yep. We should stop somewhere and pick up dinner, though. We're running on empty at home."

Jack nodded. "All right. Come on."

Chapter Nineteen