Chapter One

September 3, 2003

"So, what do you guys wanna do?" Eighteen-year-old Ashley Morrison asked the guests of her birthday party. A few people shouted out suggestions, none of them appealing. "Rose? Any ideas?" Ashley said to her best friend.

"Um, no, sorry Ash."

"How about seven minutes in heaven?" Ashley's boyfriend, Simon Deluca, asked, wrapping his arms around her waist.

A few of the guys nodded their agreement and Lauren Hopkins, another of their friends, shook her head. "How juvenile."

Justin Lewis, Lauren's boyfriend, grinned. "Ah, come on. There isn't much else to do."

Lauren sighed. "Fine. But I'm not going in that closet with anyone but you."

Simon cheered. "Woohoo! Well, since its Ms. Ashley's birthday, I say she gets to pick first."

Everyone nodded. Ashley grinned. "All right..." She cast a look around the room when she spotted Rose, looking rather bored and uninterested with what was going on. Suddenly an idea popped into her head. "I pick Rose" She pretended to think. "Rose and Jack!"

Rose's head snapped up. "What? Have you lost your fucking mind?"

Jack nodded. "Yeah, really. I'm not going in there with her."

Simon stepped in. "You guys, it's her birthday. Humor her."

Rose threw a look of disgust at Jack and one of anger at her best friend. "I'm never forgiving you for this one," she muttered, stomping towards the closet door. "Are you coming?" she asked Jack.

Reluctantly, he nodded and followed her into the closet. Simon grinned and winked. "Seven minutes, you two."

Rose glared at him. "I'm setting my watch. A second over and your ass is grass."

Simon chuckled. "Uh-huh. See you soon," he said, closing and locking the door. He turned to see the amused looks of his friends. This ought to be interesting.


Rose sat down on an upside down bucket, as far away from Jack as possible. Jack stole a glance at Rose and sighed. After seventeen years, he was sick of fighting with her. Maybe this is what they needed. "Hey..." he said.

Rose looked up at him sharply. "What?"

"Listen, this is ridiculous. We need to stop hating each other's guts. Seventeen years is long enough."

Rose eyed him suspiciously. "And this came to you just now?"

Jack sighed. "No, I've been thinking about this for awhile. Us fighting like this is childish. Can't we just call a truce? We don't have to be friends, I just want us to stop this war."

Rose sat, thinking for a moment. "Okay. Truce then. Our parents should be happy."

Jack smiled. "They'll probably declare this a national holiday."

A soft giggle escaped Rose's lips and that one moment threw all Jack's senses wild. At that moment, he no longer saw the mean, abusive and annoying girl he had hated all his life. He suddenly saw Rose for who she was, an intelligent, talented, popular, and absolutely gorgeous woman. Not really comprehending his actions, he stepped closer to her. "Rose."

Rose glanced up when Jack said her name. His voice sounded weird, almost passionate. Meeting his gaze, Rose realized this moment was going to change her life. She stood as he approached her. "Jack?"

Suddenly his lips were on hers, their arms wrapped around each other, passion and desire building between them. When he realized what was going on, Jack pulled back. "Rose...I..."

"Shut up," Rose interrupted, kissing him again.

They pulled apart after, looking into each other's eyes. Jack lowered his mouth to hers again, for one last kiss. As soon as they broke it off, Simon opened the door. "Wow, you're both still alive," he joked.

Rose glanced back and forth between them, her heart racing. All of a sudden she felt smothered, and she took off running, not stopping until she was out of the house and halfway down the street. Ashley ran after her and caught up with her. "Rose? Are you okay? What the hell happened in there?"

Rose dropped to the curb and Ashley sat down next to her. "I...he...we...oh, God," she cried, burying her head in her hands. After a few minutes, she looked up at her friend. "I think I'm falling in love with him," she admitted, her words rushed.

Ashley's eyes went wide with surprise. "With Jack?"

Rose nodded. "He said he wanted to call a truce. I agreed. Then he... he kissed me. Then I kissed him. And he kissed me again. I...I can't believe this."

Ashley couldn't hide her shock. "You should talk to him."

"I don't know if I can. I've hated him all my life and all of a sudden we kissed and my heart is going mad...I have butterflies in my stomach and..." Rose's voice trailed off. "I'm gonna go home."

Ashley nodded. "Okay. I'll call you later, to see how you're doing."

Rose hugged her friend. "Thanks. Happy Birthday Ash."


Simon followed his friend out into the back yard. "What did you say to her, Dawson?"

Jack sighed. "I didn't SAY anything really. We decided to call a truce. Then...I kissed her."

"Holy shit, Jack. You mean, like actual lip locking, spit swapping, tongue wrestling?"

Jack nodded. "We were sitting there, looking at each other...and it just happened. More than that, I wanted it to happen. So did she, by the look of it. She kissed me again, after."

Simon shook his head. "You guys called a truce and why did she run out of here like there was no tomorrow?"

"I don't know! Everything was fine...until you opened the door."

"Oh, no you don't. Don't blame that on me."

"I'm not..." he sighed. "I like her. I like her A LOT. It all kind of just hit me all at once."

Simon shrugged. "Go talk to her. You need to tell her that, not me."

Jack didn't respond. He just turned his eyes up to the sky, deep in thought.

Chapter Two