Chapter Nineteen

December 21, 2005

It was decided, when Rose and Jack had been too busy to return to Minnesota for Thanksgiving, that both the Dawsons and DeWitt-Bukaters would fly out to Boston for the Christmas holidays. The grandparents refused to miss their first granddaughter's first Christmas, and so, both families, in their entirety, arrived on the twenty-first of December.


Rose adjusted the bow in eleven-month-old Amanda's hair for the hundredth time, when the arrival of their families' flight was announced. This was the first time any of them had been out to see them, and Rose and Jack hadn't been back to Minnesota since late September. In those months, things had changed drastically. She and Jack had drifted apart considerably, to the point where Rose slept in Amanda's room on most nights. Officially, they would still be considered an engaged couple, but what it felt like inside was something entirely different. Jack hadn't even bothered to come with her and Amanda to pick up their families. Rose sighed and Amanda looked up at her, her blue eyes twinkling. "Pwane," she stated, pointing outside where planes were arriving and departing.

Rose smiled, fixing her daughter's curls. "That's right, a plane."

Amanda continued to watch in awe, in her prime. Plane was one of the few words she could say, and the flying objects fascinated her to no end. Rose watched her closely, while keeping an eye out for a familiar face. Suddenly, she heard her name being shouted out, and turned to see her eldest sister, Tiffany, running towards her. Grasping Amanda's hand, Rose walked quickly to her and embraced her tightly. Once Tiffany released her, she dropped down on one knee to greet her niece. Rose smiled at the image, looking up in time to see the rest of her family, along with Jack's, heading in their direction. Ruth was the first to reach them and hugged her daughter and granddaughter. The threesome soon were enveloped by everyone else, with little Amanda squished in the middle.

After parting, Elaine glanced around, noticing the lack of a vital someone. "Rose, honey, where's Jack?"

Pain swept across Rose's features before she shrugged. "At work, I guess. He left before I got up this morning."

Elaine frowned, not only because her son seemingly forgot about them, but at the flat, almost angry tone Rose spoke of him in. She hadn't heard that tone in over two years.

Ruth must've heard it, too, because concern appeared on her face. "Is everything okay between you two?" she asked quietly.

Rose shrugged again and picked Amanda up, dismissing the subject. "Morgan and Candi are staying with us, right?"

Joseph nodded. "And we'll be staying at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel."

"All right. Well, you can follow me to the hotel and I'll take the girls to our place. You can follow us back there or stay at the hotel. That's up to you. I know it's been a long flight. My apartment is only a few miles from there, so it shouldn't be too hard to find," Rose said, but stopped when she realized she was babbling.

Joseph chuckled and the group headed out of the airport, only stopping to pick up their luggage and their rented vehicles.


When Jack pulled into the parking area of his apartment building, he was surprised to see Rose's car wasn't there. She usually stayed home, spending time alone with their daughter. Thinking of Rose made his heart ache. They had been so distant since October, barely speaking to each other unless it was absolutely necessary. It was his fault more than hers, he reasoned. Ever since he had gotten the internship at a local law firm, highly unusual for an undergraduate, let alone a sophomore, he had thrown himself into the work. Rose had been understanding in the beginning, but quickly became annoyed with being ignored. Walking up to the building, Jack realized they hadn't shared a meal, or a kiss, or even a bed, in weeks. They hadn't made love in even longer. It was like they were strangers living together. The only time they spent time together recently was when they were both with Amanda. Jack smiled, thinking of his daughter. She was his world...nothing he loved more and the love was obviously mutual. Sighing, Jack let himself into the empty apartment. As he put his coat in his closet, he noticed a note on the bulletin board where he and Rose would tack up important reminders.


I took Mandy to go pick everyone up from the airport. We should be back by five.


"Fuck!" Jack swore under his breath. He had totally forgotten his family was coming in today. He would have to make it up to them somehow.


"All right, we'll see you for dinner," Rose called, after helping her parents with their luggage. Smiling, she turned to her sister Morgan and Jack's younger sister, Candi. "You guys ready to go?"

Candi yawned and nodded. "I need a nap."

Rose laughed. "Well, you can try, but don't expect Mandy to let you."

Candi ruffled her niece's hair affectionately. "It's worth a try."

Morgan let out an exasperated sigh. "Can we go? We've been on the go since six this morning. I just want to sit and do nothing for a few hours."

Rose shook her head and gave her sister an amused look. "All right, let's head out. Maybe your brother will even be home for once."

Candi frowned as they got into the elevator. "You guys aren't fighting, are you?"

"We're not doing anything. Not fighting, not talking, nothing. He works and goes to school, I go to school and take care of Mandy. The only time we see each other is when we're both spending time with Mandy."

"Dang. Last time we saw you, we could barely keep you two away from each other," Morgan commented.

Rose sighed as they got into her SUV. "I don't think you'll have that problem this time around."

Chapter Twenty