Chapter Twenty-Three

"Take your coat off. Make yourself at home," Kaci said, heading into the kitchen.

"Uh...nice place you got here," Jack said, shrugging out of his jacket. The apartment was small, very small. A bed stood in the corner, with a tiny dresser next to it. On the wall across from it was a battered couch and a television. On the other side was a door which he suspected led to the bathroom, and then there was the kitchen. It was clean, though.

Kaci's laughter floated through the room. "It's a roof over my head, at least."

Jack was about to respond, but turned as she came into the living area and handed him a drink. "Thanks," he said, eyeing it somewhat suspiciously.

"It's not poison or anything." Kaci laughed, settling down on the couch. "Just something to loosen you up a bit."

"I'm--uh--not much of a drinker. Illegal for me back home, you know," Jack mumbled, sitting down as well.

Kaci grinned. "How old are you exactly, Jack Dawson?" she asked flirtatiously.


"Twenty, hmm? And what does a sexy young man like yourself have to be in such a funk about?"

Jack backed away from her advances slightly, feeling a bit disoriented. Was she coming on to him? " fiancee and I got into a fight," he said, putting extra emphasis on Rose's title.

A look of disappointment filtered across Kaci's face, but it was replaced with a sly smile so quickly, he wondered if he had imagined it. "Oh, that's too bad. What was it about?"

Taking a long sip of his drink, Jack moved away a little more. "Nothing, really. She's been kind of out of it lately."

Kaci stared at him for a moment, smiling devilishly when she noticed the effect the alcohol was having on him. Oh, yes, tonight would be fun...


"There's still no answer." Rose sighed, slamming the phone back down.

Frankie shook his head. "Maybe he turned the phones off?"

"I don't know," she said, falling back in the chair and pulling her knees up to her chest. She had been trying to contact Jack for the past four hours, and had yet to do it.

"He's probably just trying to sort things out. Don't worry about it so much, sis," Frankie said, giving her an encouraging smile.

Rose sighed, and absentmindedly played with her engagement ring. "We never fight, though. Not like this. Not over nothing."

"Aw, come on, Rose. All couples have stupid fights. Look at Mom and Dad. Remember that one time Dad moved out to Grandma's for a week because Mom yelled at him for putting a coffee mug in the wrong cupboard?"

Grinning at the reminder, Rose looked at him doubtfully. "Do you really think we'll be okay?"

Frankie nodded earnestly. "I do. You two love each other."

"Yeah." Rose smiled.


Jack gulped back his fear as Kaci moved closer to him. He was slowly but surely running out of room on the couch. The alcohol racing through his system was beginning to take effect, and he found himself struggling not to give in to her advances. With blond hair and almond-shaped brown eyes, he couldn't deny she was attractive. And it seemed she was very attracted to him by the way she kept flirting with him and making as much physical contact as possible.

"So, you're from Minnesota, huh?" she was murmuring, her breath hot on his neck.

"Um...yeah. Born and raised," he said, barely coherently.

"I see," Kaci continued, tracing her finger up along his jaw line.

Jack's mind died somewhere between that and the time hours later when he became aware of just where he was and who he was with. Choking back the disgusted sobs that threatened to escape his throat when Rose--his beautiful Rose's image appeared in his head, Jack quietly slipped out of the bed and left the apartment.


"Mommy." The tiny blond-haired child shook Rose's arm impatiently.


"Mommy, beakfes!" the girl exclaimed.

Rose's green eyes opened reluctantly, to see her daughter standing in front of her with arms crossed. "What, Mandy?"


Just then, Frankie came into the guestroom with a spatula in hand. "Breakfast is ready."

"Hmm...thanks," she muttered, falling back down onto the pillow.

"Mommy!" Amanda squealed.

Frankie swiftly picked up his niece. "Hey, buttercup, why don't we go eat, and let Mom sleep for awhile longer?" Amanda stared at him unhappily until he mentioned something about candy. Perking up immediately, she demanded to go into the kitchen. Rose just watched them go, amused.


Stumbling into the darkened apartment, Jack silently thanked his lucky stars Rose wasn't home. He couldn't face her, not after what he had done. Wandering down the hall and into their bedroom, the tears began to fall on their own accord, as he fell onto the bed and stared blindly at the photo of them at his sister's wedding earlier that year. What had he done?

Chapter Twenty-Four