Chapter Twenty-Seven

Rose's eyes darted back and forth between the two, her mouth slightly open and her face pale. Her right hand flew to her mouth a few seconds later as what she had just heard sunk in. "No," she uttered lowly, taking a step backwards.

"Rose," Jack said softly, moving closer to her. "Rose, please..."

" could you?" she whispered shakily, retreating further away.

"I can explain, Rose. Please, just let me explain," Jack pleaded.

Suddenly, Rose's demeanor changed, and her eyes narrowed, her face hardening. "No. I don't want to hear it, Jack. Leave me alone." And with that, she turned on her heel and stalked down the hallway.

Jack shot a look at Kaci that was almost deadly, and took off after her. When he reached their bedroom, his worst nightmare was confirmed. Rose was leaving. "Please, Rose, just give me a chance to explain..."

"Why? So you can continue to lie to me? You promised, Jack. You said you'd never hurt me. God..." Rose hissed, continuing to shove her things into a suitcase.

Jack grabbed her hand, forcing her to turn and look at him. "Please, Rose. I'll do anything...I'll leave, you shouldn't have to..." His voice trailed off when her stony eyes shot daggers at him.

"I suggest you go say good-bye to your daughter," she simply stated, shaking her hand free of his grasp and turning back to her clothing.

Broken-hearted, Jack stood, watching her for a moment before turning to spend the last few minutes with Amanda.

After Rose heard the door close behind him, she fell onto the bed, with tears streaming down her face.


"Hey, short-stuff," Jack said, standing in the doorway of his daughter's room. The child sat on the floor, happily coloring.

"Daddy!" she shrieked. "Color!"

Forcing a smile, Jack joined her. "What are you coloring there?"

"A puppy!" she announced proudly, holding up the picture for him to see.

"That's real nice, Mandy."

Amanda's blue eyes stared at him curiously. "Daddy sad?" she asked, concerned.

Jack had never hidden his emotions from her before and wasn't going to start now. "Yeah, Daddy's sad."

"Why?" came the inevitable question as she crawled into his lap, putting her tiny arms around his neck.

"Because," Jack started, forcing the tears back. "Because you and Mommy are going away for awhile and I'm going to miss you very, very much."

Confusion crossed her tiny features. "You stay here?"

Jack brushed a piece of hair out of her innocent eyes before nodding. "Yeah, I'm staying here."

Tears swelled in her eyes and she shook her head vehemently. "No, I want you to come."

With those words, Jack's strong resolve crumbled and salty tears began fleeing his eyes. "I know, sweetie. I wish I was, too. But I can't."

As soon as Amanda saw her father's tears, she too began to cry. "Why?"

"I just can't," was his answer as he hugged her for dear life. What was the point of life without his little girl?


Rose watched the interaction of father and daughter from the doorway, her own vision blurred by tears. She was torn, a million pieces thrown askew. She knew losing Amanda would kill Jack, and losing her dad would break Amanda's heart, but there wasn't anything she could do. Stay? Not in a million years. Leave Amanda behind? Just the thought of that was preposterous. No, this was his doing, his fault.

Silently, she entered the room, dufflebag in hand, and quietly began putting her daughter's things into it. They would be leaving a lot of things behind, but that couldn't be helped. Suddenly, there was a tug on her pants, and Rose looked down to see Amanda, pouting and arms crossed.

"I stay with Daddy."

Sighing, Rose knelt down in front of her. "You can't, sweetheart. You have to come with Mommy on a trip."

Intrigued by the insinuation of a trip, Amanda glanced back and forth at her parents. "Daddy come, too," she finally whimpered.

Rose shook her head. "Not this time, Manda-Bear. Just you and me."

Tears filled her eyes and she stomped her little foot. "Daddy come!" she wailed.

Biting her lip to keep from crying as well, Rose pulled the child into a hug, but was immediately pushed away. "Go away," Amanda said.


"I stay with Daddy," Amanda repeated, running to her father and wrapping herself around his leg.

With tears stinging her eyes, Rose glanced up at Jack, who shrugged and bent down to talk with the toddler.

"Sweetie, you have to go with Mommy," Jack said gently, unable to believe he was encouraging his beloved daughter to leave him.

"I don't wanna," she said defiantly.

Jack kissed her forehead lovingly and wiped away her tears. "You have to. Just for a little while, I promise. I'll see you soon."

Amanda stared at him for a minute before hugging him. "Okay. I love you, Daddy."

"I love you, too, short-stuff," Jack managed, his heart shattered.


Turning to face Jack after the bags and Amanda were in the car, Rose gave him an unreadable look. "Um...well, I guess this is yours," she choked out, holding out the engagement ring that had resided on her finger for so long.

Giving a sharp nod of the head, Jack reluctantly took it, relishing in the brief moment of contact. "Yeah...I...I'm so sorry, Rose..."

"I know," Rose interrupted. "I...we'll be in touch."

"Okay," Jack said softly.

"Bye." Rose waved as she got into the car. Jack echoed the movement, blowing a kiss towards Amanda as they drove out of the lot and out of his life.

Chapter Twenty-Eight