Chapter Three

Rose awoke feeling strangely happy. Not only was the war between herself and Jack Dawson over, they were together! Although had hadn't admitted it to anyone, ever since her boyfriend of three years moved to St. Louis two months earlier, she had noticed Jack in a whole new light. And now he was hers. Sighing, she got out of bed and went downstairs.


"What was Jack doing in your room last night? I thought you hated each other," was what she was greeted with when she entered the kitchen.

Rose smiled at her fourteen-year-old sister, Morgan. "Hate each other? That's sure going to make our relationship interesting."

Morgan dropped her spoon into her cereal with a loud clank. "Relationship?"

Rose bit her lip so she wouldn't laugh. She knew Morgan had had a crush on Jack since she was at least five, and recently had announced he was on the verge of asking her out. With that in mind, she couldn't help teasing her. "Yes, relationship. You know, when two people get together..."

"I know what a relationship is!" Morgan snapped.

Rose grinned. "Okay! Okay!"

"What's that have to do with Jack, though?"

"We're going out."

Morgan's face went red. "WHAT?"

Rose calmly poured herself some juice. "We're going out. He asked me out last night and I accepted."

Morgan stood up and stomped towards the door. "You're only doing this to ruin my life! I hate you!" she yelled before leaving the kitchen.

Rose broke down and started laughing hysterically when Rebecca came in. "What's so funny?"

"Morgan's reaction to me and Jack's going out."

Rebecca turned around. "So he asked you out, huh?"

Rose nodded. "Yes."

"And she's not taking it too well?"


"You just had to tease her, didn't you?"

Rose smiled sheepishly. "Her expression was priceless."

Rebecca burst out laughing. "It's about time she realized Jack had no feelings for her."


"You and Rose DeWitt-Bukater?" Jack's oldest sibling, Jessica, exclaimed.

"Yes, me and Rose. I like the sound of that."

"You know Mom and Dad are going to have heart attacks over this one, right?" Jessica said, folding her arms across her chest.

Jack grinned. "Yeah, well. I guess you better remember September second from now on, sis. They're going to make it a holiday, you know."

Jessica laughed. "Probably. Or at least try their hardest, you and Rose. Who would've guessed?"

"Certainly not me OR Rose. That much is for sure."

Jessica shook her head. "Crazy. Where are you going?" she asked as Jack put on his coat.

Giving his sister a charming smile, he said, "Rose's."


"I'm serious, Ash. This is like...the happiest I've been in forever," Rose told her friend over the phone.

"I don't know, can you two just forget all the hate you had towards each other all this time? It doesn't sound right."

Rose sighed. "It's not like we forgot. We're just not dwelling on it. We talked about all that last night."

"If you say so. Just be careful, okay? We both know he's a heartbreaker, and I don't wanna see you be another name on his list."

"He won't. He knows I'll kick his ass if he does."

Ashley giggled. "That I'd have to see."

Just then there was a knock on the door. Rose glanced out her window to see Jack standing there. "Listen, Ash, Jack's here. Do me a favor?"


"Don't tell anyone yet. We're going to tell them in our own way."

"Okay. Bye."


Rose hung up the phone and ran down the stairs. When she opened the door, Jack gave her a weird look. "What took you so long?"

"I was on the phone with Ashley. Sorry."

Jack gave her a kiss. "Don't worry about it."

"My room or the living room?"

"Um...the living room, I guess."

Rose looked at him curiously. "Are you afraid to be in my room?" she asked, leading him into the living room.

Jack sat on the couch and Rose sat down beside him. "No, I'm not afraid. I'm about...well...what might happen."

"Nah. I've never...uh, you know."

Jack looked up at her in surprise. "You're kidding. Weren't you and Cal together for a few centuries or something?"

"Three years," Rose said dryly. "But no, we never did. It just didn't feel right."

Jack shook his head. "I figured the two of you had. If it makes you feel any better, I haven't either."

Rose's jaw dropped. "Liar."

"No, I'm serious. I never have."

"You went out with all them, girls and you never...?"

Jack laughed. "Sluts, come on, you can say it. But no...I guess my mom always telling me to wait until the right person came along got to me."

"Wow. I thought you must've been doing it since you were like twelve or something."

"Twelve? Come on, give me some credit."

Rose smiled flirtatiously. "You always were popular with all the ladies."

Jack blushed. "Except you."

"Well, I wasn't too popular with you, either."

"True...can we talk about something else?"

"Yes. I was wondering, how are we going to tell people about us? After that fight we had in homeroom last week, they aren't exactly going to believe us."

Jack grinned. "That was quite a doozy, wasn't it?" He frowned. "I'm sorry about that."

Rose shook her head. "It's okay."

"Why don't we just show up at school and make out in front of everyone?" Jack said, winking.

Rose grinned. "I like that."

"All right. Then it's settled. Tomorrow I will pick you up and when we get to school, we'll make out in the parking lot."

"That should give Mr. Franks something to analyze," Rose said, referring to the school counselor who had tried on numerous occasions to get the two of them to talk.

Jack coughed. "Confuse the shit out of him, more likely."

Rose sighed and leaned back. "This is weird. Us, I mean."

Jack glanced at Rose, whose dark hair was spread out around her. "Yeah...but more then that, in a weird, twisted way, it makes sense."

Rose nodded. "Yeah, it does."

Jack leaned back and kissed her gently. "And kissing you is just way too much fun."

Rose eyed him. "Is that the only reason you asked me out?"

Jack kissed her again. "No. But you have to admit, it is quite entertaining."

"Mmm..." was Rose's response, and as she pulled him towards her, bringing their mouths together.

Chapter Four