Chapter Five

When Rose came downstairs to wait for Jack the next morning, Rebecca was waiting for her. "Good morning, ain't it?" Rebecca said with a huge grin on her face.

Rose gave her a weird look. "Um, yeah, I guess it is."

Rebecca's grin didn't fade. "Sleep well, sis?"

Rose nodded, half listening.

"I bet."

Rose whirled around. "What is your problem this morning?"

Rebecca lowered her voice. "I saw you sneaking Jack out of here at 1:30 this morning. Don't pretend nothing happened. I heard you."

Rose's face flushed. "Uh..."

Rebecca began laughing. "Ah ha! did it, eh?"

Rose's eyes glowed. "Oh God, yes. I can't believe I waited so long. He was so...amazing."

Rebecca nodded knowingly. "Welcome to womanhood, little sis."

Rose grabbed an apple when a horn honked outside. "Uh, thanks. I think. See ya later."



"Where were you last night?" Ashley asked Rose as they stood in line for lunch.

"What time?"

"Around eight or so."

Rose glanced at her friend, trying to keep her cool. "Oh, Jack and I went down to the lake."

Ashley dropped a brownie onto her tray. "The lake? Isn't it a little cold for that?"

Rose shook her head. "We weren't cold."

Ashley stopped to face her friend. "You're keeping something from me."

"No, I'm not."

"Spill it, DeWitt-Bukater."

Rose grinned. "Um..."



"Tell me," Ashley whined.

"Wait until we sit down."


After they paid for lunch and took their usual seats, Ashley turned to face Rose again. "Well?"

Rose bit her lip and gave her friend a smile. Ashley's mouth dropped open. "You didn't."

"We did."



"Oh my God."

"Keep it down! We don't want the world to know."

Ashley stared at her. "You've been together what, three, four days? Have you lost it?"

Rose sighed. "I love him, Ash."

"Does he love you?"

Rose nodded. "He said he does."

Ashley shook her head. "He told Krista that, too."

"I was his first," Rose replied.

Ashley's eyes bulged. "There ain't no way in hell he was a virgin."

"He was."

"He could've been lying."

Rose rolled her eyes. "I've known him our entire lives. We might not have been friends, but I always knew when he was lying. He wasn't."

"I don't believe you two. Enemies all your lives, sleeping together after three days. What the hell?"

Rose giggled. "I know. But it feels right. I never felt like this in the three years I was with Cal."

"Geez. If he hurts you, I'm going to kill him. Okay?"



"Rose! Hey, Rose!"

Rose stopped dead in her tracks at the familiar voice. It was after school and she was on her way to cheerleading practice. Scared half out of her wits, she turned. Oh God, what the hell is he doing here? Rose thought as her ex-boyfriend, Cal Hockley, came running towards her. "Cal...what are you doing here? I thought you moved to St. Louis," Rose said evenly.

"I came back to live with my dad. Isn't it great? Now we can pick up where we left off," Cal told her, putting an arm around her shoulders.

Rose shrugged out of his grasp. "No, we can't."

Cal frowned. "Sweetpea, why can't we?"

Rose sighed, spotting Jack watching them in the distance. Suddenly an idea came to her. She glanced up at Cal. "Are you going to the game after school?"

"I wasn't planning on it. Why, are you?"

"I'm a cheerleader this year, so yes, I am."

Cal wrinkled his nose. "Whatever possessed you to become a cheerleader?"

"I wanted to. Are you coming or not?"

"I suppose so. Maybe we can go out to dinner or something after?"

Rose nodded slightly. "Maybe. I gotta get to practice. I'll see you."

Cal nodded and left the school. Rose sighed and took off towards the football field, where she knew Jack and the team was practicing. The coach was the first to spot her. "Can I help you, Rose?"

"Uh, yeah. I'm sorry to interrupt, but can I see Jack for a few minutes?"

The coach nodded. "Sure thing. Hey Dawson! Five minutes!"

Jack nodded and sat next to Rose on the bleachers. "I saw you talking to Cal. You're not going back to him, are you?"

Rose shook her head, "No. Quite the opposite, actually. I need your help getting rid of him."

"Getting rid of him?"

"Yes. I got him to come to the game tonight..." Quickly, she filled him in on her plan.

Jack gave her an amused grin. "You haven't changed very much. All right. Count me in."

"Good. I gotta get to practice, so I'll see you later."

"Yeah," Jack said, giving her a kiss. "See ya."


Rose stood with the other varsity cheerleaders on the field. They just finished warming up and were waiting for the game to start. Ashley nudged Rose, since she was in on the plan, pointing to Cal, who was finding a seat in the bleachers. Rose caught his attention and waved. Cal smiled back and sat down, and as she expected, his eyes never left her. Rose turned to look at the football team. Slowly, she tugged on one of her ribbons. That was the signal and Jack didn't miss a beat.


Cal watched Rose, who was conversing with Ashley, when suddenly Jack Dawson appeared next to them. Rose flashed Jack a dazzling smile, which made Cal's blood boil. What the hell was going on? Almost instantly, Jack's arms went around Rose's waist and...were they kissing? Cal squinted and moved down a few rows. They were! He couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing. Rose and Jack? It wasn't possible. Rose was his. "God dammit!" Cal cursed, turning away, unable to watch anymore.


Jack and Rose burst through the school doors, out into the cool September night.

"Did you see the look on his face?" Jack managed to get out between laughs.

That sent Rose into hysterics. "He looked like he wanted to call the cops," she gasped before suddenly stopping laughing and giving Jack a serious look. "I love you."

"This is crazy."

"I know, it doesn't make any sense. That's why I trust it."

Chapter Six