Chapter Six

Over the next few months, Rose and Jack's relationship bloomed. Their parents were elated to see that not only were their children getting along, but also in love. It wasn't until after their four month anniversary in January that things started going wrong.


Rose lifted her tear stained face to look at her sister. "I'm just scared of what he'll say, Becky. This corrupts all the plans we had for after high school."

Rebecca looked at her sympathetically. "He deserves to know. Go tell him now, before you lose your courage."

"Courage? I don't have any right now anyway."

"Just go."


Rose carefully made her way up to the front porch of the Dawson home. There was a foot and a half of snow on the ground, plus ice underneath and the last thing she wanted to do was slip. At first, she knocked daintily on the door, but as the cold started seeping in, she began to knock more fiercely.

"Shit," Rose muttered when nobody answered. She sighed and turned to leave when she came face to face with a girl. "Krista!" Rose exclaimed.

Krista smiled slightly. "Hi, Rose. What are you doing here?"

Rose realized that Krista didn't know. She had moved the previous summer, when Jack and Rose had still been at odds. "I'm here to see Jack, actually."

Krista's face hardened. "Why would you want to see Jack?"

"Because that's what girlfriends usually do."

"Girlfriend? Wouldn't you be at Cal's house, then?"

Rose smirked. She never had liked this girl. "I see you're out of the swing of things around here. Cal and I broke up last summer. Jack and I have been together since September."

"You and Jack? That's the biggest bunch of bullshit I've ever heard," Krista scoffed.

"You'll have to ask him if you don't believe me."


"Krista, get over here!" a voice screamed.

Krista sighed. "I'll be back."

"Take your time," Rose called after her. She sighed and sat down on the porch steps to wait for Jack. He hated the cold weather, so wherever he was, he most likely wouldn't be gone long. She was right.

Not more then five minutes later, Jack's BMW pulled up in the driveway. "Hey, what are you doing out here in the cold?" Jack asked, pulling her into his arms and kissing her.

"Waiting for you," Rose murmured when the kiss ended.


Both Jack and Rose whirled around. There stood a very pissed Krista.

"Kris!" Jack said, obviously surprised to see his ex-girlfriend.

"Hello, Jack. I see you've resorted to stuck up snobs for your cheap thrills now."


"Who the hell do you think you are?" Rose yelled, "You're just jealous. I'm more of a woman then you'll ever be."

Krista laughed. "Sure, Rose. Jack always comes back to me. Isn't that right, Jackie?"

Jack opened his mouth to speak, but Rose beat him to it. "Not this time, KRIS," Rose spat out her name like it was poisonous. "He loves me."

"Ha. He loves me!" Krista shot back.

"And that's why he made love to me and not you then, hmm?"

Krista's eyes went wide. "He did not."

Rose smiled. "Actually, yes he did."

Before Jack knew what was happening, Krista lunged at Rose, knocking her back into the snow. Rose quickly got to her feet and returned the blow.

"Hey, hey! Quit it," Jack demanded, pushing the two of them apart.

Krista glared at Rose, knocked Jack out of the way and punched Rose in the face, which sent her sprawling face down onto a patch of ice.

Jack was immediately next to her. "Rose? Rose, please get up. Rose!"

Rose turned her head, her eyes filled with tears which ran together with the blood that was gushing from the large gash across her forehead. "Jack," she managed to get out. "Jack, call an ambulance," she said, before curling up into a ball on the ice.

Jack nodded and ran into the house. "Mom! Mom!" he yelled, running into his parents' room where she was sleeping.

"Jack? Jack, what's wrong?" Elaine asked, sitting up.

Jack grabbed the cordless phone off his parents night stand and handed it to her. "Call an ambulance."

"An ambulance? Jack?"

"Rose, mom. She's hurt. There isn't any time to explain. I have to get her inside."

Elaine nodded and started dialing.


Elaine and Jack Dawson stood in the waiting room, waiting for Joseph DeWitt-Bukater to arrive. They had been there for fifteen minutes now and Elaine had finally gotten the story out of her son.

"Where the hell is my little girl?" A loud voice boomed through the room.

"Joe! Over here," Elaine called.

Joseph was by them in a flash. "Have they told you anything? Is she okay? Where the hell is she?"

Elaine shook her head. "We're not family. That's what they kept telling us, at least."

Joseph sighed. "What the hell happened?"

As Elaine filled him in on what had taken place, Jack wandered away. Why the hell had Krista been at his house? Last he heard, she was living with her mom somewhere in Chicago. Her grandmother still lived in Knollwood, but she hated her. Jack turned back towards the waiting room where a doctor was talking to Rose's father and his mom. As he drew closer, he heard the doctor giving them the updates on Rose's condition. As he approached them, he heard the doctor utter something Jack was not prepared for.

"I'm sorry, Mr. DeWitt-Bukater, your daughter lost the baby."

Chapter Seven