Chapter Eight

Three Weeks Later

Rose stood in front of the bathroom mirror, trying to get her hair to lay right. Her interview with Harvard was today and the representative would be there any moment. She had spent the past two days putting together her high school portfolio, cleaning the house from top to bottom and of course, spending time with Jack. The pain of losing her baby still haunted her, but she was able to get through each day. She wanted so bad to get into Harvard, that was the one school both she and Jack had wanted to go to all their lives. Jack had already been accepted, and offered a full scholarship no less.

"God dammit," she muttered when she dropped her brush.

"What's the problem sis?" Rebecca asked, standing in the doorway.

Rose sighed. "I can't get the back of my head to curl right."

Rebecca took the curling iron from her. "I'll do it. Aren't you nervous?"

"How can I not be? I want this more than anything."

Rebecca nodded. "You'll get in. You're everything they're looking for. Not to mention Dad's Harvard alumni."

Rose grinned. "I know, which is why I can't help feeling a bit arrogant about this. Jack got a scholarship, so if he did, I can, right?"

"You bet. You're smarter then him anyway."

Rose giggled. "I guess. Oh shit!" she yelped, as someone rang the doorbell.

Rebecca grinned. "You finish in here, I'll stall 'em."


"Well, Miss DeWitt-Bukater, your resume is quite impressive. You were student council president for all four years?"

Rose smiled and nodded. "Yes. I have a great deal of interest in politics and that gave me a lot of experience."

Mr. Martin, the Harvard rep, smiled back at her. "I see. You have also been involved in choir, drama club, French club, and a large assortment of sports, all the while managing to hold a 4.0 GPA."

"I try."

"You're quite the well rounded student, aren't you?"

"I'd like to think so."

Mr. Martin closed his briefcase. "I must say, I'm very impressed. Although the people in charge have the final say in if you're accept or not, I would personally say that you don't have anything to worry about. I must be going, but it was absolutely lovely to meet you. I'll be in contact within the next week to let you know."

Rose smiled as they walked to the door. "Thank you, sir."

Mr. Martin shook her hand. "Thank you. Good day Miss DeWitt-Bukater."

As soon as he left, Rose turned and squealed with happiness. Rebecca came downstairs smiling. "I take it, it went good?"

"Oh my God Becky! He said that I shouldn't have anything to worry about!" Rose struck a dramatic pose. "I'm going to Harvard!"

"See, you probably wouldn't have gotten in if you were pregnant," Rebecca pointed out.

Rose's face fell. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"That it's a good thing you lost the baby..."

"How dare you!" Rose interrupted, trying her hardest not to cry.

"Oh come on, Rose, you're too young to have a baby. It was for the best."

Rose glared at her sister through her tears. "That was my child. It deserved a chance to live as much as you and I. I can't believe you're saying these things."

Rebecca sighed. "Listen, I understand what..."

"UNDERSTAND? YOU understand? Like hell you do! My child is dead! DEAD! If you want to understand, understand this. I hate you. I will NEVER forgive you for the things you just said," Rose yelled, slamming the door behind her as she left the house.

Leaning against the side of the house, Rose tried to calm her nerves. How could her sister say such horrible things? Sighing, she headed down the street to Jack's house.


"Rose, hon, what's wrong?" Jack asked as he let Rose into the house. Her hair was disheveled, her eyes were red and she was shaking uncontrollably. Rose looked up at Jack and burst into tears again. "Rose? Please tell me what's wrong," Jack begged, taking her into his arms. Rose continued to weep against his chest for a little while longer, before pulling back to look at him.

"She said the most awful things to me, Jack."

Jack wiped the tear tracks from her cheeks. "Who did?"

"Becky. She kept saying that it was a good thing our baby died. And then she had audacity to say she understood. I hate her Jack. I really do."

Jack looked at her bewilderment. "She said those things?"

Rose nodded. "I couldn't believe it. But she did." Jack pulled her back into his arms. "I can't go home tonight. I can't face her yet."

"You can stay here then."

Rose looked up at him. "Your parents won't mind?"

"They're out of town until next week."

"Oh really?"

Jack chuckled. "You're the devil Rose," he said, leading her up to his room. Once there, he sat down on the bed and took her into his lap.

Rose kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Put your hands on me, Jack..."


Jack and Rose lay with their bodies entwined, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking. Jack sighed and rolled onto his side, so he could look at her. "Hey Rose?"


"I've been thinking...about the baby, I mean."

Rose looked at him abruptly. "What about it?"

Jack played with one of her curls. "Just...I know we're young and most people would say that we're too young to be parents and they're probably right, but I wanted that baby. There's nothing I could want more then a child with you. So maybe...if you want of course, when you're ready, we could try again?"

Rose's eyes filled with tears and she nodded. "Thank you."

Jack smiled and kissed her. "I love you."

"I love you."

Chapter Nine