Chapter One

Posted April 12, 1912. 7:35 AM.

Cal tapped the computer screen. "All right. I think it's on," he said. He leaned back on the couch he was sitting on, making it possible for future viewers to see that he was dressed in his pajamas. A bowl of cereal was in his lap.

"Well, first of all, if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet…uh…you might want to get on that. I don't appreciate people who don't subscribe watching my videos." He paused to take a bite of the cereal. "So, if you saw my last few videos, you know I've been vacationing in Europe for the past few weeks, and I haven't had much time to post anything. I'm on the ship home now, so there should be time to get more videos up. You know, get everyone updated on what's going on. Uh…that's pretty much it for now. I'll probably have another video up later."

Posted April 13, 1912 11:15 AM.

This time Cal was dressed, and instead of cereal he had a sandwich. "So, I've mentioned my fiancée before, and I've said that she's a bit distant. But…uh…now, I think it's getting worse. See, last night she was involved in this very strange incident. I'm still not entirely sure what happened. Apparently, it looked like this ruffian was attacking her, but when he was being arrested, she started claiming it was all her fault, that she'd been trying to see the ship's propellers and had fallen over the edge. She said he saved her."

He paused and ate some of his sandwich. "Thing is, I don't really believe that. I'm not sure what I think happened, but something about her story seems weird. They seemed to be sharing far too much eye contact." He chewed thoughtfully. "I don't like it. Tried to give the poor bastard money, but he acted like it was the plague." He shook his head. "Some people, you know? Well, in the end I had to invite him to dinner. Had to do something, didn't I? So, we'll see how this goes. I'll be posting again tonight to let you all know what happens. And subscribe if you haven't already."

Chapter Two