Chapter Two

Posted April 13, 1912 8:00 PM

Cal was dressed in his formal dinner clothes. He appeared to have ducked into a room and was munching on a roll and leaning close to the camera. He whispered, "So, dinner just ended. Not sure what to think right now. I thought I had a pretty good handle on things, but then this guy shows up to dinner—and see, you have to understand I was caught so completely off guard—and he actually looks decent. He actually looks not bad. I could have dealt with that, but then he goes and gets everyone to like him."

Cal ate some more of his roll. "See, I doubted he could even form a sentence, let alone carry on a conversation with…well, with people who are so clearly of a higher intelligence level. And what's worse, my fiancée keeps staring at him like—well, like she's never stared at me before. I have to be honest, guys. I don't know what to do. I am totally lost here."

He finished his roll. "So…uh…if you guys have any suggestions for how to deal with this, leave them in the comments. I would really love to hear what other people think. Oh, and as always, if you haven't, I want you to fucking subscribe. I don't make these videos so just anyone can see them, you know."

Posted April 14, 1912 12:00 AM

Cal sat on the couch from his first video. He was wearing pajamas and had a drink with a pink umbrella in his right hand. He did not look happy.

"Well, it's now midnight and I have not seen my fiancée since dinner. Uh…I'm not sure exactly what this means. I've sent my lackey out to see if he can find her—" He held up crossed fingers. "So, we'll see what happens with that. I'm…uh…trying to stay positive about this, you know? And I did get some of your comments on my last video. First off, I just want to say to—" He checked a piece of paper. "JD1892, I did not appreciate your comment. Uh…I asked for some simple advice and you said—" He checked the paper again. "'Give up now. She does not like you, you deluded little man. And stop eating in your videos. It makes you look like a total fucking moron.'"

He laid the paper aside. "I don't know what you call constructive criticism, but that was most definitely not constructive criticism. Now, I don't know who the fuck you are, but how would you like it if I started commenting on all your videos like that? Huh?" He lunged toward the camera, arms outstretched in a sort of fight stance.

He leaned back and sipped his drink. "All right. I'm good now. Uh…I did get a good piece of advice. It was from one of my earliest subscribers, a good viewer by the name of EntitledDude. I always love getting comments from this guy. He basically said the best thing to do would be to question and pretty much accuse her—subtly, of course—and see what happens. Yeah, I kind of think that's what I'm gonna do. It…uh…it seems like the best move. I'll let you know what happens."

Chapter Three