Chapter Three

Posted April 14, 1912 2:00 PM

Cal was on the couch again. He was dressed and eating an apple. He did not look happy.

"So, turns out she spent almost all of last night with that guy. You remember, the one I was talking about before? Well, it seems that after dinner they went off to a party together and they pretty much spent the night dancing and drinking and just having a great time together."

He paused.

"Yeah, I am really, really not happy about this. Uh…I think it's fair to say it looks like if she isn't cheating on me, she's about to, and I am not fucking having that. I don't really know what I'm gonna do, but I'm definitely doing something. I tried what EntitledDude said to do, and well, it didn't produce the results I wanted, exactly. I mean, I'm pretty sure I laid the groundwork for a future stress and/or anxiety disorder, but to be honest, I kind of wanted more of a result than that. So, leave comments if you have ideas for what I should do...and, you know, subscribe."

Posted April 14, 1912. 6:30 PM

Cal was sitting on the same couch. He wasn't eating, but this time he looked more than not happy. He looked rather angry.

"I hadn't planned to post again yet, but I just felt the need to respond to a comment my last video received. It seems this JD1892 person has felt the need to once again say something completely ignorant and uncalled for." He picked up a piece of paper. "I even wrote it down so I'd get it right. So, he said, 'Wow, how totally blind can you be? You know, when the woman you're with goes off without telling you to have fun with another man, it usually means she's not into you. At all. Just sayin’. Might want to get on board with that, because it sounds like this other guy has a much better chance with her.'"

He put down the paper. "Well, let me tell you something." He pointed at the camera. "You do not know my life! You do not know my situation! You only know what I tell you—and based on that, you should know that I am the victim here! You know what, I'll be back later when I've calmed down a bit. This is just too much for me, all right? I am a fragile person!"

Posted April 14, 1912 6:45 PM

"Um...so, I think maybe she's gone off with that guy again. Just needed to tell someone. Not sure how to handle this. More later."

Chapter Four