Chapter Four

Posted April 12, 1912 10:00 AM

Jack was in his room on the ship. He had the decency to finish eating before turning on the camera. "It's been a pretty exciting few days," he said. "In my last video, I said I wasn't sure how—or even if—I would ever get back to America, and now, here I am on a ship heading there. It's interesting how these things happen. I don't really have much else to say except sometimes card playing can get you further than you might expect." He thought for a moment. "This is probably insignificant, but I saw the most beautiful woman today. Pretty sure she noticed me staring and has decided I'm crazy, but it's okay, ‘cause I'll never meet her. Oh, and subscribe if you feel like it. I don't care much either way."

Posted April 13, 1912 12:00 AM

He was somewhere on the deck, smoking. "Well, if I thought the last few days were interesting, I don't know what word to use for what tonight was. So, I'm out here, you know, laying around, thinking about life, when suddenly this woman goes running past me—just whoosh! Turns out she's the same woman I saw earlier. I don't think she remembers me, though. Anyway, one thing led to another. I talked her out of killing herself—personal best, I think—and then somehow things got all fucked up and it looked—well, it looked bad for me. But then, out of nowhere, she just goes and covers for me! I couldn't believe it. And so now I have this dinner invite for tomorrow…kind of odd, but should be interesting…we shared some eye contact, too…"
