Chapter Eighteen


Sunday, September 16, 2001

The whole group sat around the pool at Rose’s house, enjoying the day’s bright sunlight. It was too cold now to swim, so they lounged on the pool furniture, drinking sodas and eating pizza and chips.

Jack and Rose sat in the poolside swing together, feeding each other pizza and ignoring everyone else, while Tommy and Dawn sat on the diving board and made out. Helga and Fabrizio sat at the table, talking and laughing at Fabrizio’s mistakes as he practiced his English.

Tommy and Dawn jumped apart guiltily as Ruth came into the pool area, portable phone in hand. "Jack, your Aunt Margaret is on the phone."

Jack took the phone from her. "Hello?"

"Jack, what time to you plan on being home?"

"I don’t know. Why?"

"Trudy is going to be here around four. She wants you to meet her at the airport."

"Oh, she is? Yeah, I’ll be there." He looked up as Tommy and Dawn joined them on the swing. "I’d better go. I’ll meet her there. Bye, Aunt Margaret."

"Bye, Jack."

Jack hung up and set the phone on the table.

"What’s going on?" Rose wanted to know.

"My sister Trudy is going to be at the airport at four o’clock. I’m going to pick her up there. Do you want to come with me?"

"Sure. I’d like to meet her."

"Hey, we’d like to meet her, too," Dawn complained. "Why didn’t you invite us along?"

"My car only holds four people, and she’ll have luggage, too."

"Why don’t we meet you at your house after you pick her up?" Fabrizio suggested, catching the conversation.

Jack thought for a moment. "Sure. That would work. We’ll probably get there around five."

"We’ll meet you then." Dawn turned to Rose. "Hey, Rose, I wanted to ask you something."


"You know how one of the cheerleaders got kicked off the squad for getting high?"

"Yeah. What about it?"

"We’re holding tryouts for her replacement on Thursday. You should try out."

"I don’t know, Dawn…I don’t think I’d be very good at it."

"Oh, sure you would."

"Besides, wouldn’t it be unfair? You are captain of the cheerleading squad, and I am your best friend…"

"Well, I don’t have all the say in the matter. The coach has more say than I do. Come on, Rose. It’ll be fun."

Rose rolled her eyes at Dawn, but finally sighed and nodded. "Okay. I’ll try it. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you."

"You’ll be great. Trust me."

"Whatever you say." Rose rolled her eyes again and turned back to Jack.


Jack and Rose arrived at the Edmonton International Airport just before four o’clock. The flight was on time, so within a few minutes Trudy appeared to claim her luggage.

Jack started toward her, then stopped, stunned. Trudy had a baby in her arms, and was followed closely by a young man who was also carrying a baby. Her stared, not coming any closer, while the man handed Trudy the baby and collected the luggage, piling it on a cart.

Finally, Jack approached them. "Trudy!" he called, waving to her.

"Jack!" Trudy took a couple of steps toward him, balancing the babies in her arms.

They stared at each other for a moment, not sure what to say. The man accompanying Trudy came to stand at her side.

Trudy finally found her voice. "Jack, I…this is my husband, Kenneth Bolt, and our twin daughters, Emma and Julie, who are four months old today."

Jack’s mouth snapped open and closed for a moment as he stared at the babies. "You never told me you’d gotten married, not even last summer when you came to the funeral. I didn’t know you had kids, either."

"Well, I…Jack, you know that I didn’t get along too well with Mom and Dad. They didn’t want me moving to New York, and when I mentioned to them that I was getting married, they blew a fuse. You know how you came to visit New York that one time?"

Jack nodded.

"Well, I introduced them to Kenneth then. You were somewhere else--I’m not sure where, but they didn’t like him, so I didn’t introduce him to you. That’s why I never told you about the wedding, either. The twins were born in May, but I left them at home when I went to the funeral. I didn’t need all those questions."

Jack wasn’t sure what to say. He’d just seen a whole new side to his sister. Instead, he stared at the twins--his nieces, he realized. They stared back him with wide eyes, absolutely identical except for the fact that one was drooling. He couldn’t tell them apart.

"Uh…Trudy…uh…this is my girlfriend, Rose DeWitt-Bukater. She came with me to meet you."

Trudy nodded. "Hello, Rose."


"Uh…I hope there’s enough room in the car for everyone. I didn’t expect anyone to come with you."

"We can get a taxi, if we need to."

"Well…let’s see how this works. Maybe we can fit you in. Maybe we can tie some of your luggage to the roof." He turned toward the terminal doors. "Come on."

Trudy walked beside him, while Rose helped Kenneth push the cart of luggage.

"Jack-I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you that I had gotten married, or that I had kids. I was afraid that you would tell Mom and Dad, and they would get upset again. You know that we had some problems in my…younger, wilder years. I grew up, but they still didn’t trust me. Then, after they were gone, I didn’t know what to say. You were so upset over losing them, I didn’t think it was the right time to tell you about Kenneth and the twins. I was going to break the news to you slowly, and invite you to come to New York with me, but then Maggie and John revealed that Mom and Dad had given them custody of you if something happened to them, and you were actually going to leave the country. I needed to get home, both because of the twins and Kenneth and because I was starting a new job, and they wanted to get back to Canada as quickly as possible, so…I just never found the right time. I wanted to tell you, but…I didn’t know how."

Jack nodded, still hurt that she hadn’t trusted him enough to tell him that he had a brother-in-law and two nieces, but trying to understand. She was right; things had been tense between her and their parents, and he guessed that it would have been a bad time to tell him about her marriage and children just after their parents had died. And, too, it probably had been hard for her to tell him about her family after all the time that had passed.

"I’ll tell you more after we get to your house," Trudy promised.

"Well…uh…my friends are going to be there, too. They wanted to meet you. I guess they’ll meet more people today than they thought."

"Maybe later, then."

"Yeah. For sure."


Jack’s friends were waiting when they arrived at the townhouse. All of them gaped at the sight of not only Jack’s sister, but also her husband and identical twin daughters.

Tommy recovered his voice first. "Jack, you didn’t tell us you were an uncle."

Jack shrugged. "I didn’t know."

"You didn’t know?"

"It’s a long story. Can you help us get the luggage inside?"


Once they were inside, Trudy and her family settled on the living room couch, Jack beside them. Everyone else stood around, or sat on the floor. John, Maggie, and their kids sat in the two easy chairs in the room, staring at the Bolts incredulously.

"Why didn’t you tell us you were married?" Margaret asked Trudy, shocked at the sudden appearance of three new relatives.

"Like Jack told his friends outside, it’s a long story, and it’s been a long day already, with all the trouble to get on the plane and everything. I’ll tell you later, okay?"

At Margaret’s nod, she turned to Jack. "Well, uncle, how would you like to hold your nieces?"

Jack was a little taken aback at the offer. "I…I guess I could." He looked at the babies a little nervously. Would they cry when he held them? He hardly knew anything about babies.

Trudy laid an infant in each of his arms, showing him how to hold them securely. They fussed for a moment at the strange arms holding them, but calmed when their mother leaned over them and cooed reassuringly at them. Jack stared at them, not quite believing that he was an uncle.

"They are so cute, Jack," Rose commented, kneeling down and looking at them.

One of the babies grabbed Jack’s ear and tugged on it. "Uh…yeah," he said, pulling his ear free of the baby’s grasp.

"Isn’t it cute? Jackie’s an uncle." Jack shot Tommy a baleful glare, but he was unfazed. "I guess you’ll learn to change diapers and feed them now."

"Si," Fabrizio added. "Then, when you and Rosa have babies, you’ll know how to take care of them."

"Shut up." Jack glared at them, but he couldn’t be too offended. He was glad that his sister was safe and alive, even though she had gotten married and had babies without ever telling him. He hadn’t known Kenneth for more than an hour, but he seemed nice, and Trudy certainly seemed happy with him. And the babies were cute, even if one of them did like to tug on his ears.

He had another question in mind at the moment, though.

"How did you escape from the World Trade Centre?"

Chapter Nineteen