Chapter Twenty-Four


Tuesday, October 2, 2001

"So, are you guys gonna go on the Vegas trip or not?" Tommy asked Jack and Rose at school the next morning.

"We’re not sure yet," Jack admitted. "I’d like to go, but I’m not sure my aunt and uncle will allow it. They’ll probably think we need a chaperone."

"Well, could they be chaperones?"

Jack shrugged. "I don’t know. It would be pretty expensive. I mean, the contest just covers all the expenses for Rose and I. We’d need airfare, a hotel room, and all of that kind of stuff for a chaperone."

"Well, what about Rose’s mom?" Helga asked. "She could afford to go."

Rose grimaced. "Mom isn’t very fond of Britney Spears. I don’t think she’d want to see her concert."

"She doesn’t have to. There’s plenty of other stuff to do in Las Vegas besides watch a Britney Spears concert. Besides, what kind of trouble could you guys get into at a concert? You’ve got…what…a few thousand chaperones?"

"Well, the concert isn’t until November eighteenth," Rose reminded everyone, shaking her head. "We have plenty of time to think of something before then."

"Do you want to go?" Jack asked her. "I mean, really?"

"Well…of course," Rose answered him, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. "Don’t you?"

"Yeah…but getting there might be a problem."

"Well…let’s see what we can do before we give up on the idea."


Jack drove Rose home that afternoon after she was finished with cheerleading practice. When they saw that Ruth was already home, they steeled themselves to ask her about the concert.

"Mom?" Rose walked in the door, holding it for Jack and then closing it quietly behind them.

"I’m in the den, Rose."

They followed the sound of her voice, finding her sitting on an oversized chair, going through the mail.

"Mom?" Rose asked tentatively. "We have a favour to ask…a big one."


"Can you hear us out before you say no?" she pleaded.

"I suppose. What is it?"

"Well…we were over at Dawn’s house last night, and we were all listening to the radio…and it turns out that our friends entered us into this contest where the prize was a pair of tickets to a Britney Spears concert…you know, as a joke. But it turned out that we won…they announced that the winners were Jack and Rose Dawson, the newlyweds. It was a prank, but since we won…can we go?"

"Well, I don’t see why not. When is it?"

"November eighteenth…in Las Vegas."

"Las Vegas!"

"Yeah. See, I know that you don’t want me going off on my own with Jack, and his aunt and uncle probably won’t allow it, either, but if you came with us…"

"You are aware, aren’t you, that November eighteenth is a Sunday, and you will have to somehow get back here that same night and get to school in the morning?"

"It’s a Sunday?" Jack and Rose looked at each other. They hadn’t thought of that.

"Yes, it’s a Sunday, and a school night. I’m sure we could get back that same night, but you wouldn’t have much time to sleep, and you certainly aren’t ditching school the next day—at least, Rose isn’t."

"We could sleep on the plane coming back home," Rose suggested, "and then get the rest of the sleep we need before we go to school. I mean, we’ll have a few hours."

"And you’ll be keyed up after that concert. I doubt you’ll be able to sleep on the plane."

"But, Mom…"

"I’ll think about it, Rose. That’s as much of a promise as I can give you."

Rose sighed. "Okay, Mom."

"And don’t pester me about it. You know that won’t help." She handed Rose a couple of envelopes and a Faze magazine. "Here’s your mail." She looked at her daughter and sighed. "Don’t look so mournful, Rose. I haven’t made any decision yet."

Rose tried to smile. "I know, Mom. I know."

Chapter Twenty-Five