Chapter Twenty-Six


November 16, 2001

"Mom!" Rose’s feet thumped on the stairs. "Mom, are you packed yet? The tickets say the plane leaves at seven o’clock, so we’ll need to leave pretty soon." She hurried into the living room, stopping when she saw her mother on the phone. "Mom?"

Ruth held up a hand, signalling for Rose to be quiet. "Yes. Yes, I’ll be there. You chose a really inconvenient time to schedule this, you know. Yes, I know that it’s the best time for you, but I don’t see why I need to be there. I already made it clear that I had other plans." She sighed. "All right. If it’s really that important…I’ll be there. Yes. Good-bye."

Rose stood listening to her mother’s end of the conversation, a worried frown growing on her face. What was her mother talking about? What was inconvenient? Would this affect her trip to Las Vegas?

"Mom? What’s going on?"

Ruth turned to Rose, an exasperated look on her face. "That was my boss. He’s scheduled a meeting for this evening at eight."

Rose stared at her. "But you can’t go to that. You already promised Jack and me that you’d go to Las Vegas with us."

"I’m sorry, Rose, but this isn’t something I can get out of."

"But, Mom, you promised!" Rose’s voice grew louder as she realized that her trip was going to be called off. "It’s not fair! Didn’t he know you had plans?"

"I don’t think that my boss cares one way or another about my plans. Money is everything to him."

Rose mumbled a short, foul word under her breath.

"Don’t swear, Rose. You know I don’t like that."

"But, Mom…it’s not fair. I’ve been looking forward to this so much. So has Jack." Tears of disappointment filled her eyes.

Ruth stood, going to lay a hand on her daughter’s shoulder. "Before you throw a tantrum, Rose, I want you to hear me out."

Rose sniffed, wiping her eyes and fixing her mother with a glare. "Mom…"

"Rose, you and Jack are still going on your trip."

Rose’s expression changed, her eyes widening in disbelief. "But you wanted us to be chaperoned."

"And you will be. Dawn’s mother called me at work this morning to find out what flight we’ll be taking and what hotel we’ll be staying at. It seems that Dawn mentioned that a trip to Las Vegas and a ticket to the Britney Spears concert would be a perfect birthday gift…"

"Dawn’s birthday isn’t until January."

"That’s what her parents told her, but she managed to talk them into the trip as an early birthday present. All three of the Bergens—Dawn and her parents—will be going to Las Vegas tonight with you. There were still seats available in first class, so they were able to arrange to fly on such short notice. You and Jack will be in coach, but I don’t think you can get into much trouble on an airplane."

"Dawn’s going, too?" Rose gaped at her mother.

"Yes, and her parents will chaperone you, I’m sure. After all, they’ve never objected to your staying the night at Dawn’s house, and the two of you have never gotten into trouble there."

"Well…mostly." Rose smiled, remembering a couple of incidents when she and Dawn had gotten into trouble while staying the night at each other’s houses—the time that they had played Truth or Dare, and Rose had dared Dawn to go out in the snow barefoot, nearly resulting in frostbite for her best friend, or the time that the girls had decided to paint themselves like native dancers, and had used up a good portion of Mrs. Bergen’s makeup to do so. Granted, they had been eight years old at the time, but they had still managed to misbehave.

Rose didn’t remind her mother of those incidents, though. She just grinned and threw her arms around Ruth’s neck. "Thanks, Mom!"

"I’ll meet you tomorrow night at the hotel—I should be able to get a plane ticket. If you’re not there when I get there, I’ll just wait for you. I don’t expect you to stay inside and miss the fun because I’m going to be late."

"That’ll work great, Mom!" Rose headed for the stairs again, her earlier disappointment forgotten.



"I’m going to book my new flight and let the hotel know that I’ll be a day late getting there. Then, you’ll need to call Dawn and let her know that you’ll be accompanying her family. I’ll expect you to either stay with Dawn or stay in our room by yourself—not with Jack. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mom. I understand. You don’t need to worry about me. I’ll be good."

With that, she dashed up the stairs to finish packing.


Ruth dropped Jack and Rose off at the airport before going to her meeting. As she pulled up to the curb to let them out, she turned and looked at them, making sure they had everything.

"You have your tickets and itinerary, right? And your hotel information? Do two have your passports?"

"Yeah, Mom, we do." Rose sounded a little exasperated.

"I’m just making sure, Rose. I don’t want you wandering the streets of Las Vegas with nowhere to stay."

"Everything’s fine, Mom." Rose pulled a handful of papers and passport from her purse, showing them to Ruth. "Jack has his, too."

Jack nodded, showing Ruth an identical pile of papers and an American passport. Ruth looked at both of them approvingly, then added, "And you packed everything you need, right? Rose, you remembered to pack clean underwear, didn’t you?"

"Mom!" Rose’s face turned bright red. "Don’t talk about that!"

"Sorry, Rose, but the last trip we went on, you forgot…"

"Mom!" Rose hissed, putting her hands over her face. "I remembered this time."

"Okay, Rose. So you’ve got everything you need?"

"Yes!" Rose jumped out of the car before her mother could embarrass her further, hurrying to the trunk to get her suitcase.

Jack followed her, grinning at her still-red face. "Your face is the colour of your name," he remarked, pulling his own worn suitcase from the trunk.

"Don’t laugh at me!" Rose gritted her teeth and glared at him. "I cannot believe her!"

She stepped up onto the curb, waving as Ruth pulled away, her face still flaming with embarrassment.

"My mom did that to me once," Jack remarked, walking beside her as they went into the airport. "I was getting ready to go on a boy scout camping trip when I was in seventh grade, and she asked me that in front of all the other guys. I wanted to disappear."

"I swear, I will never do that my kids, if I ever have any." Rose shook her head, pulling her wool hat down over her face to hide it.

"Rose! Jack!"

They looked up as someone called from the WestJet ticket line, waving wildly at them. "Come on! You can get in line with us!"

Jack and Rose followed hurried over, squeezing past some people who looked at them in irritation. When they reached Dawn, they stopped, staring in amazement, as Tommy, Helga, and Fabrizio turned to greet them as well.

"What are you guys doing here?" Jack could imagine Tommy being able to afford to go with them, but not Helga and Fabrizio.

Dawn shrugged, grinning. "Mom and Dad thought that it would be nice for all of us to go on the trip. We just rented one extra hotel room, for Mom and Dad, and then you and Helga and I will stay in your room, and the guys will stay with Jack. We’re all going to the Britney Spears concert, too, even though we couldn’t get tickets next to you guys. It’ll still be fun."

The six teenagers began to talk loudly, discussing the coming trip. It was going to be a great weekend!


Chapter Twenty-Seven