Chapter Three


Wow. He's cute, Rose observed as they walked out of the building.

"And last but not least, the pool building...where...uh...the pool is!"

Fool! she thought. Now he's going to think I'm a ditz.

But Jack just smiled.                               

"Are there any icebergs in the water?" he joked.


"It's just that a lot of people think all Canada is snow and people speaking weird and stuff," he admitted. "I thought that, too, until I moved here."

"Well, Mr. Big-Shot American," she teased. "What do you think of us now?"

"It's just like the States, except it has a lot less people."

Oh, man, Dawson. State the obvious! Jack thought. Quick, say something, or she'll think you aren't interested.

"I--uh like you outfit," he stammered.

"Oh, this old thing?" Rose looked down at the outfit Dawn made her buy.

"Yeah. It looks nice on you. It brings out your eyes."

For a moment, the two just stood there.

Rose looked at her watch. "We still have a few minutes before class starts again. Wanna go to the cafeteria and get a quick bite to eat?"

"Yeah, sure."


"I got a salad and a diet Coke. You?" Rose asked as she scanned the room for a place to sit.

Jack looked at his tray. "Pizza and a sub."

"Oh, that's nutritious," she replied sarcastically.


"Hey, Tommy. How's your morning been?"

The two sat down at a table with two other people.

Rose stared at the captain of the football team feeding a French fry to his girlfriend, captain of the cheerleading team, long time best friend of Rose, Dawn.

"Okay. I have shop next period. You?"


"You two know each other?" Rose took a bite of her salad.

"Yeah. Dawson here was looking kind of lost first period, so me and Fabri took him under our wing." Tommy grabbed Jack's head and gave him a nookie.

Jack pulled back. "Hey, man, watch the hair!"

They all laughed.

Rose looked around the room. "Where is Fabrizio, anyway?"

"Ah...probably in the in the library with Helga, trying to perfect their English with the other foreign exchange students," Dawn said, taking a fry from Tommy.

For the rest of the lunch period they sat there looking at their new timetables and complaining that the whole group of them only had one class together.

Rose smiled just as the bell rang.

"Well, Jack, it seems I have art with you this afternoon."

Dawn gave Tommy a quick peck on the cheek and dragged Rose out of the room to their next class, away from Jack.

"See ya in forty-five minutes!" he shouted over the sudden noise of students.


Chapter Four