Chapter Thirty

November 17, 2001
Las Vegas, Nevada

November 17, 2001
Las Vegas, Nevada

Rose shrieked, half in delight, half in terror, as the roller coaster zoomed around a loop, momentarily suspending them upside-down. She grabbed Jack’s hand, squeezing it so tightly that he tried to pull away, and shrieked again, giggling, as the roller coaster made one final loop before returning to the beginning of the track.

They were both laughing when they got off the roller coaster, even though Jack was rubbing his sore hand and casting occasional baleful looks at Rose. When they reached their friends, he commented, "You sure can scream."

"Oh, like you weren’t yelling yourself," Rose scoffed, taking her drink from Dawn and taking a sip. Jack eyed her warily, worried that she would get motion sickness again.

"At least I don’t scream like a girl," he replied, a bit defensively.

"She is a girl, dummy," Dawn informed him. "Do you want her to scream like a guy?"

"Let’s not argue," Helga interjected. She and Fabrizio had been on the roller coaster, too, a few seats back from Jack and Rose. Fabrizio was staggering exaggeratedly, looking more drunk than dizzy. "What should we do next?"

"The merry-go-round," Dawn decided. "I saw one of those back there a ways, and I’ve always liked them."

Tommy groaned. "That’s kids stuff."

"Well, you wouldn’t go on the roller coaster, either. You can just hold our stuff while we’re there."

"I don’t want to go on the merry-go-round, either," Fabrizio remarked.

"Me, neither," Jack added.

"You guys are such spoilsports," Dawn told them. "But I guess that means less of a wait for the rest of us. You can hold our stuff, and we’ll go have fun."

When they got to the front of the line for the merry-go-round, the girls handed their drinks to the guys, then got on the ride, each choosing a fancily decorated horse. Jack stared at Rose as she got on, waving as the ride started and waving again each time she came around.

"Why don’t you take a picture?" Tommy teased. "It lasts longer."

"He doesn’t have a camera," Fabrizio pointed out. "He’ll have to draw her."

"Yeah, I will," Jack replied, waving to Rose as the merry-go-round came around once again. She looked beautiful there, her cheeks pink from laughter and her eyes sparkling. Her long, curly red hair hung down her back, bouncing a little each time the horse moved down.

When the ride was over, the girls took their drinks back from the guys, all of them laughing merrily. "Now what?" Rose asked.

"Something we can all do," Dawn said, before anyone could object. "How about the Ferris wheel? And don’t even try to object," she told Tommy.

"I wasn’t going to," he informed her. "It gives us some time alone together, away from everybody else."

"Nice to be with you, too," Rose told him, scowling a little.

"Oh, come on. You know I didn’t mean it that way. Besides, you get some time alone with Jack."

"That’s true," Jack pointed out. "What do you say, Rosie?"

"Oh, I suppose I could put up with you," she teased him.

"Well, then, what are we waiting for?" Helga asked. "Come on. You can sit with me, Fabrizio."



Jack and Rose sat together as the Ferris wheel came to a stop, suspending them almost at the top. Rose sighed contentedly, leaning back as Jack put an arm around her.

"It’s so nice up here," she commented, leaning her head against his shoulder. "Even if it is a little cold."

Jack grinned, putting both arms around her. "Better?"

Rose grinned back, giving him a quick kiss. "Yeah."

They sat together for several minutes as the Ferris wheel gradually came closer to the ground, content just to be together. As the ride circled around and began to take them back up, Jack looked out at the lights of the city.

"Look at all that," he commented, taking in the brightly lit sight of the city’s attractions. "I wish I could draw that, but I don’t think I could do it justice."

"You could try," Rose suggested.

"Yeah, but…I think I’ll try something else."

"How about me?" Rose suggested. "You’ve never drawn me."

"Actually, I have, but I just never showed you the drawings."

Rose looked at him. "Why not?"

He shrugged. "I don’t know. I didn’t know if you’d want to see them."

"You didn’t draw any nude pictures, did you?"

"Uh…no. I don’t like to guess." He blushed.

"Don’t you have any imagination?" Rose teased him.

"I have plenty of imagination. But…uh…I’d rather get it right."

Rose giggled, a little embarrassed. She was about to reply when she looked down and saw several familiar faces looking up at them.

"Hey, isn’t that the Bergens down there?"

"And your mom?"

"I wonder how they found us."

When they got off the ride, they found another person waiting for them—Paola. Tommy gave her a puzzled look.

"How did you know we would be here?"

"Tommy mentioned where you were staying, so I decided to stop by and Ms. DeWitt-Bukater answered the door.  She said was going to check on you guys, with the Bergens, and invited me to come along."

Fabrizio and Helga stepped out of the shadows and the crowd at that moment. "Where were you guys?" Jack asked.

Tommy, Dawn, and Paola grinned, having seen what they were doing. "They were getting to know each other a little better on the Ferris wheel," Dawn told him.

"A lot better," Tommy added. "I think they know each other’s lips pretty well by now."

"What? How did you guys know…" Fabrizio wanted to know, staring at the three smirking faces.

"Dawn and I were right above you two," Tommy pointed out.

"And I saw you from the ground—and saw you sneak off when you got off the ride," Paola added, laughing with her cousin and his girlfriend.

Helga turned red. Flustered, she sputtered, "Well…well, I’m sure we weren’t doing anything the rest of you weren’t doing."

"Nope," Paola told her. "They were all lip-locking, too."

The adults tried to look stern, but didn’t quite succeed. Finally, Ruth spoke, trying not to laugh.

"We’ll leave all of you to your own devices—as long as you stay out of trouble. Is that clear, Rose?"

Rose gave her a sheepish look, realizing that her mother had seen her making out with Jack on the Ferris wheel. "Yes, Mother."

"Now I know she isn’t listening," Ruth remarked to the Bergens. "She never says ‘yes, Mother’ when she’s paying attention. Stay out of trouble, Rose. I mean it, or you’ll be sharing a room with me instead of with your friends."

Rose sighed. "Okay, Mom."

The teenagers looked at the adults, eager to get back to their own fun. Ruth waved them off.

"Go ahead. We’ve got our own plans. We’ll see you back at the hotel later."

"Sure." Rose looked at Paola. "You wanna hang out with us?"

Paola shrugged. "Sure."

Waving to Ruth, she followed the others, the whole group soon disappearing into the crowd, leaving the adults to find their own entertainment.

Chapter Thirty-One