Chapter Thirty-Two

November 18, 2001

The four kids piled into the limousine, sorry that Dawn and Tommy weren’t going with them, but excited all the same.

"I never think when I go to Canada that I get to see an American singer!" Fabrizio exclaimed, relaxing comfortably next to Helga as the limousine made its way towards the concert.

Rose frowned. "American singers come to Canada sometimes," she told him. "We’re not that backwards. And we have some good Canadian singers, too, like Celine Dion."

"I love her music," Helga remarked. "I have all her CD’s back in Ireland, but I forgot to bring them when I came to Canada. Do you suppose she’ll ever hold a concert in Edmonton, Rose?"

Rose shrugged. "I don’t know. I don’t usually pay attention to things like that." She grinned, leaning against Jack. "Of course, when you win a concert ticket, that’s different."

"And in America, too!" Fabrizio added.

"You’re American, Jack," Helga said, looking at him. "Did you go to a lot of concerts when you lived here?"

"A few. I lived in Santa Monica, which is near LA—some people think it is a part of LA—and a lot of concerts are held in LA."

"Is Hollywood near there?" Fabrizio wanted to know.

"Yeah, Hollywood is in LA, too. But I couldn’t go to as many concerts as I would have liked—they’re expensive, and so is parking, food, drinks…all that."

"Your family wasn’t rich?"

Jack rolled his eyes. "If my family was rich, do you think my cousins would be living in that rundown townhouse?"

"It doesn’t look so bad to me."

"Hey," Helga interrupted. "We’re slowing down—do you think we’re almost there?"

"We are! Look!" Rose pointed out the window at a huge sign. "I hope we can get in there before the concert starts."

"If we get stuck in traffic, we can always get out and walk," Jack suggested. "It was nice of Dawn’s parents to rent this limousine, especially since we don’t have to park it ourselves."

As it turned out, they didn’t have to worry. The limousine was able to pull right up to the curb to let them out. A few photographers snapped pictures of them as they climbed out, then looked disappointed when they discovered that the four kids weren’t celebrities.

They parted ways soon after going inside, since Jack and Rose had won tickets near the front, while Fabrizio and Helga would be sitting farther back. They moved through the milling crowds to find their seats, then could hardly sit still as they waited for the concert to start.

"It’s too bad we didn’t win backstage passes, too," Jack complained. "I’ve always wanted to see what goes on back there."

"At least we got this," Rose told him. "I never would have thought of going to this concert if we hadn’t won that contest, and Mom would never have considered it."

"Yeah, we all did get a good weekend from this," Jack agreed. "It’s just too bad that Tommy and Dawn couldn’t be here."

"Dawn’s sick, but Tommy chose not to come. I was surprised. He loves Britney Spears." Rose sighed. "He stayed behind for Dawn—that’s one of those things a man will do for the woman he loves." She raised an eyebrow. "Would you do that for me?"

"Of course I would." He leaned over to kiss her as the lights began to fade. "I love you, Rose."

"I love you, too, Jack." Rose returned the kiss, then pulled away. "Now, let’s watch the concert."


"That was great!" Helga shouted when she saw Jack and Rose emerge after the concert.

"What?" Rose yelled, putting a hand behind her ear to indicate that she didn’t understand.

"My ears are numb!" Jack added, laughing. He and Rose hurried over to Helga and Fabrizio. "That was so loud!"

"Hah!" Rose remarked, tugging on her right ear. "You were yelling and screaming in my ear!"

"You were yelling, too!"

"Because you were!" Rose punched him playfully on the arm.




"I didn’t hurt you, you big baby!" Rose threw her arms around him, giggling.

"Are you two drunk or something?" Helga asked, staring at them like they’d each grown two heads.

"No! Just high on life!" Jack told her.

"And deaf!" Rose added.

"I won’t be able to hear my teachers tomorrow," Fabrizio agreed. He didn’t look terribly disappointed at the prospect.

The four of them laughed and horsed around for a few more minutes, until the limousine finally pulled up to the curb. The driver drummed his fingers on the steering wheel impatiently, waiting for them to notice to his presence.

"We’d better get going," Rose told the others reluctantly. "We have to catch the plane, and we have school in the morning."

"I don’t know how I’ll stay awake," Helga complained, following the others into the limousine.

"Try coffee," Jack suggested.

Helga made a face. "Ugh. I don’t think so."

"Maybe we’ll be able to stay home tomorrow," Rose suggested hopefully. Then she thought of her mother, and her face fell. "No…Mom’ll make me go to school, and if I fall asleep and get in trouble, she’ll say ‘I told you so.’"

"Yeah. My aunt and uncle will say the same thing," Jack complained. "Didn’t they ever have fun when they were kids?"

"Yes," Helga told him. "That’s why they don’t want us to have any fun."

The others gave her confused looks, but didn’t comment as the limousine headed back toward the hotel.

Chapter Thirty-Three