Chapter Thirty-Eight

December 20, 2001
Edmonton, AB

“You guys! You didn’t have to do this!” Helga exclaimed, looking around the brightly lit room. “I’ll be back in a few weeks, you know.”

“Yes, but we wanted to,” Dawn told her.

“Besides, it gives us an excuse to have a party,” Tommy added, putting an arm around Dawn.

The room was decorated with tinsel and Christmas lights. A large, decorated fir tree stood in one corner, and poinsettias sat on the tables. Rose looked around, smiling proudly.

“It was Jack’s idea to use all those poinsettias,” she told Helga, “and my idea to use my house, because I have the best family room.”

“Where’s your mom?” Jack asked, looking around. Some of the guests were beginning to arrive, but he saw no sign of Rose’s mother.

“She’s around here somewhere, and so is the housekeeper, Mrs. Bourdais. They promised not to interfere unless there’s trouble, though.”

“Well, what are we standing around for? Let’s party!” Dawn hurried over to turn the music on.

Fabrizio was one of the last guests to arrive. “Sorry,” he apologized. “I couldn’t get a ride.”

“You should’ve called!” Rose told him. “One of us would have gone to get you.”

“Anyway, you’re here now,” Helga said, grabbing his arm. “Want to dance?”

“I don’t know how.”

“Neither do I! Just go with it!” Jack shouted after them.

They gave him a strange look, but he ignored them, turning to Rose. “Come on!”

“What?” Rose giggled, a little giddy after drinking the champagne-spiked punch.

“Let’s dance!” He leaned closer. “And don’t let your mom know there’s alcohol here. I don’t know about your mom, but my parents would have killed me if I’d ever had alcohol at a party.”

“I didn’t bring it.”

“I wonder who did?” Jack spun her around, laughing.

“Don’t know. But it sure makes the punch good!”

They’d been dancing for about ten minutes when Rose caught sight of an unwelcome guest in the corner, watching them dance and whispering to her friends.

“Who let her in?”


“Stacey. She’s right over there. Remember—she wanted my spot on the cheerleading squad? She wants you, too.”

“Don’t worry, Rosie. You’re the only girl for me.”

“Jack…she isn’t supposed to be here. She wasn’t invited! Neither were her snotty friends.”

“What do you want to do?”

“Let’s go talk to Dawn and Tommy. They helped plan this party.”

They found Dawn and Tommy standing next to the refreshment table. Tommy handed Dawn a cup of punch, which she sipped and then set aside, making a face.

“Tommy, go get me a Coke, will you?”

“What’s wrong with the punch?”

“It tastes funny.” Dawn looked up to see Jack and Rose approaching. “Oh…hey, guys. Having fun?”

Rose gave Dawn a funny look. “I thought you liked champagne.”

“Not in punch.”

“Really? Since when—“

“I’ll tell you later, okay?” She took the Coke Tommy brought her and opened it. “Anyway, you look worried. What’s wrong?”

“Stacey and her friends are here.”

“Stacey’s here? Who’s she with?”

“Her friends. Did you invite them?”

“Of course not! She’s a snob. Maybe she came with one of the guys on the football team.”

“Not that I know of.” Tommy looked in the direction Rose pointed in. “I know all those guys, and they’re all here with other girls, except Paul, who never brings anybody. Besides, she’s got a crush on Jack.”

“I didn’t invite her!” Jack gave Tommy an annoyed look.

“I know. Rose would kill you if you did.”

“So we know she’s crashing the party, then?”

“I don’t think Fabrizio or Helga would have invited her or her friends, either.”

“I know they wouldn’t,” Rose spoke up. “I overheard them making fun of Helga and Fabrizio because they’re foreigners.”

“And yet she has a crush on Jack, who’s American.” Dawn frowned. “She is such a—“ She cut herself off, taking a sip of her Coke. “I’m going to be nice. I’m not going to lower myself to her level.” She set her drink down. “Let’s throw her out.”

The other three looked at each worriedly, but followed Dawn across the room to confront Stacey.

Stacey looked a little scared when she saw them coming, but quickly hid it under a big, fake smile. “Nice party, you guys,” she said, smirking. “Enjoying the punch?”

“You’re the one who put the champagne in the punch!” Dawn accused. “Now you’ve ruined it for everybody!”

Stacey shrugged. “It looks like most people are enjoying it.”

“That’s not the point!” Rose sputtered angrily. “You weren’t invited!”

“Everybody goes to parties like this one.”

“Not at my house.”

“Oh, so you’re better than everybody else?”

Rose clenched her fists. “Leave!” She pointed to the door.

One of Stacey’s friends spoke up. “Why don’t you leave her alone?”

“Because she wasn’t invited! Neither were you!”

“We’re not hurting anything.”

“Go away!” Rose’s voice was getting louder. People turned to stare at them, some yelling encouragement and laughing.

“What is going on down here?” Everyone looked up as Ruth came down the stairs, her attention focused on the group in the corner. “Rose, what’s going on?”

“They were just leaving, Mom.” Rose glared at Stacey and her friends.

“I don’t know why you invited us if you were going to be so rude.” Stacey put on an innocent look.

“You weren’t invited! You crashed the party! Now, leave!” Rose’s face was turning red.

“Rose, calm down.” Ruth came up behind her. “Girls, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

Stacey shrugged. “Who cares? This party sucks anyway. You’re just a bunch of losers. Who invites their mom to a party, anyway?”

“Leave, girls. Now.” Ruth stared at them coolly.

“We’re going. Come on. We’re wasting our time here.” Stacey got up and headed for the door, followed by her entourage of friends.

“Sour grapes!” Helga shouted after them, drawing laughter from a few partygoers.

“And don’t come back, bitch!” Rose shouted at Stacey, sticking out her tongue when Stacey turned and gave her the finger.

“Rose! There’s no need for such language,” Ruth reprimanded her. “Now, before I go upstairs, are there any other problems? Do you need anything?”

Rose thought about the champagne, but decided not to mention it. “No, Mom. Everything’s fine.” She smiled weakly. “You can go back to whatever you were doing. We’ll clean up when everything’s over.”

“All right. But, Rose, if there are anymore problems, call me, okay?”

“Sure, Mom.”


In the early hours of the morning, after the party ended, Jack and Tommy were putting the family room back together while Rose and Dawson washed dishes and put away the leftover food. The punch had all been consumed, and fortunately Stacey had taken the champagne bottle with her, so Rose wasn’t worried about getting caught with alcohol.

As she washed out the empty punch bowl, she turned to Dawn, lowering her voice. “So, since when do you not like champagne in your punch?”

“Since…Rose, you have to promise not to tell anyone what I’m going to tell you. Not your mom, not Jack…nobody.”

Rose nodded. “Sure. I can keep a secret. Dawn, what’s wrong?”

“Remember the trip to Las Vegas last month?”


“Remember how I was sick and couldn’t go to the concert, and Tommy stayed with me?”

Rose nodded, then clapped her hands over her mouth. “Oh, my God! Don’t tell me he sneaked in some champagne and you got caught with it!”

Dawn looked at her like she was crazy. “No, of course not. Where would he have gotten champagne? Everything went on my parents’ bill, and he’s underage. He would have had trouble getting any champagne or anything even if he’d tried.”

“So what’s wrong?”

“My parents and your mom went out during the concert and left us by ourselves, and…uh…”

“And what?”

“I…uh…I think I’m pregnant.”

“Oh, my God!” Rose’s voice was louder than she intended, and Dawn winced.

“Rose, shut up! I don’t want anybody to find out.”

“Does Tommy know?”

“No, and you’re not going to tell him, either. I’m not even sure yet.”

“Have you been to the doctor?”

“No. I don’t want my parents to find out.”

“If you’re pregnant, they’ll find out eventually anyway.”

“And if I’m not?”

“Why don’t you go to the Medicentre for a pregnancy test? Then you won’t have to tell them unless you’re sure.”

“I don’t know, Rose…”

“I’ll go with you. What are friends for? Just make an appointment and I’ll come with you so you can find out. I won’t say anything unless you want me to.”

Dawn was silent for a few minutes, thinking. Finally, she turned to her best friend.

“Okay, Rose. But only if you come with me.”

“I will. You can count on me.”

Chapter Thirty-Nine