Chapter Seven



Sept 7, 2001

Rose, smiling, walked into the house, threw her bag on the couch, and went into the kitchen to get herself a glass of orange juice.

"Who was that boy I saw you with?" Ruth came inside from the backyard, talking with the gardener.

Rose opened the fridge. "What boy?"

"That boy who just drove away," Ruth stated. "I saw him drop you off when me and Antonio were on the side of the house."

"Oh, that's Jack. We met online, and he goes to my school."

"Be careful who you meet online," she warned her daughter.

Rose sighed.

"Oh, stop it, Mother. You'll give yourself a nosebleed." She threw her cup into the sink and started to exit the kitchen, but her mother stopped her.

"Rose, this is not a game!" Ruth snapped. "There are people out there who could really hurt you."

Ruth softened.

"I'm sorry. You know I just do this because I love you."

"I know, Mother, and I'll be fine," she assured her, not really sure herself.


"So, how has your week at school been?"

Jack looked up from the magazine he was reading, to find his Aunt Margaret getting ready to go out to a dinner party with his Uncle John. It was put on by John's boss where he worked. John was his mom's cousin, but it seemed more appropriate to call them aunt and uncle because they were much older than him.

"Not bad. I made some nice friends--"

"That's nice, dear," she interrupted, not really paying attention.

Jack went up to his room and turned on his computer.

"Maybe Rose is online," he said to himself, as he signed on to MSN.

rose_bud2001 is now online. The box at the bottom popped up.

Good timing! He smiled.

JD_in_AB: Hey

rose_bud2001: Hi Jack.

JD_in_AB: Listen. I know we barely know each other and all, and I'm stuck baby-sitting my cousins...well what I'm getting at is, would you like to come over tonight and watch a movie?

JD_in_AB: Tommy, Fabri, Helga, and Dawn will be over here too

He quickly added.

rose_bud2001: Brb, I'll go ask

As if on cue, Rose's phone rang.


"Hey, Rose. Are you coming over to Jack's later?" the voice on the other end asked.

"I don't know, Dawn. I have to go ask my mom. Hold on." She set the phone by her computer, and ran down the hall to Ruth's room.

Rose entered her mom's room, and sat on Ruth's bed.

"Mom, is it okay if I go over to Dawn's tonight?" she lied.

Ruth was in her powder room, checking a spot on her forehead.

"Who's going to be there, and how long?"

"The gang, and eleven o'clock."

"Ten o'clock. Rose, it's a school night!"

"10:30!" Rose argued.

"Deal, but I want you in this house by that time."

Rose jumped up and gave her mother a quick peck. "Thanks, Mom."

She returned to her room and typed to Jack.

rose_bud2001: Be there at 7:30

JD_in_AB: Great! See you then

JD_in_AB: Bye

rose_bud2001: Bye

"HELLO? ROSE? YOU STILL THERE? ROSE!" The sudden loud noise from the phone made her jump.

"Oh my God, Dawn! I totally forgot about you! Sorry."

"So, can you make it?"

"Yeah." Rose giggled.

"Great. Pick you up at seven."

The girls said their good-byes, and Rose made off to her giant closet to find something to wear.


Chapter Eight