Chapter Ten

Rose looked at her watch. In just five minutes, she and Jack would be giving the news of the babies to the world.

"Rose, are you ready?" Jack asked.

"What should I wear?" Rose asked.

"Wear anything you want," Jack said.

Rose looked in her closet and found some capris and a thin spaghetti strap shirt.

"All right. See you in a few minutes, Rose," Jack said, and left.

Rose got dressed quickly, then came out with Jack.

"Rose, are you okay?" Jack asked her, taking her hand.

"Of course. I'm with you," Rose replied, smiling at him.

"We haven't even discussed names," Jack said.

"I thought about it. If it's two girls, we can name them Abby Marie and Carla Melanie," Rose said.

"What if it's two boys?" Jack asked her.

Rose thought. "I just got an idea. If it's two boys, how about Jack William II and Dylan Peter?"

"Perfect," Jack said.

Mr. Andrews came out of his dressing room. "Are you two ready?"

"Absolutely," Rose and Jack said.

Mr. Andrews led them out to the limousine and they talked the whole way about names.

When they finally got to the media room, thousands of reporters were there asking Rose and Jack about the babies.

Mr. Andrews stood up to the microphone. "Mr. and Mrs. Dawson are answering questions, one of which I'm sure everyone is going to ask."

Rose and Jack walked up to the microphone.

"We can only answer a few questions," Rose said.

"Ms. Bukater, I'm Julie from People Magazine. Are you expecting?" one reporter asked.

Rose took a deep breath. "Yes, I am."

"Mr. Dawson, how have you accepted this?" Julie asked him.

"Whole-heartedly," Jack said.

"Mr. Dawson and Ms. Bukater, did you just think you were going to leave your friends behind?" Rose and Jack heard, and sure enough, there were Ryan, Shanleigh, Cole, and Emily walking towards them.

"Shanleigh, Emily?" Rose asked, running to them.

"We kind of heard about where you were, and we were dying to see you," Emily said.

By this time, the media was covering everything, which was when Mr. Andrews signaled to the six friends to get to the limousine.

When they had finally gotten in the limousine, the six friends exchanged hugs and kisses.

"Rose, why didn't you call me and tell me?" Shanleigh asked.

"Because, I was scared you might tell the rest of the gang and they might be hurt because I didn't tell them, too," Rose said.

"Oh, that's okay. Have you picked out names yet?" Cole asked.

"Yeah, Abby Marie and Carla Melanie for two girls," Rose said.

"And Jack William II and Dylan Peter for two boys," Jack said.

"What are you going to do if you have a boy and a girl?" Shanleigh asked.

"That's when we name them Maddy Elizabeth and Avery Thomas," Rose said.

Rose and Jack looked at each other. Things were brightening up for them. Their old friends were back to be with them during Rose's pregnancy.

Chapter Eleven