Chapter Eleven

Rose, Jack, Ryan, Cole, Emily, and Shanleigh all went out to the mall that day.

Jack noticed Rose. She looked uncomfortable around Ryan, and Jack didn't know why.

"Rose, what's wrong?" Jack asked her.

"Nothing. I'm fine," Rose said.

"Rose, I might not have known you as long as they have, but I know you better. Tell me what's wrong," Jack said.

"Ryan is kind of freaking me out. He keeps telling me he wants me back, and that you better watch out because something might happen to me," Rose said.

"Rose, stay with me. Wherever you go, I go, too," Jack said, looking deep into her eyes.

Rose kissed Jack, when she let go she smiled. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Jack said.

Ryan looked at Jack and Rose. I want her back, he thought, and for the rest of the day he looked at Rose.

Rose noticed the staring. "Jack, come on. Hurry," Rose said when Jack went to pick up the car.

Ryan walked up to Rose. "So, Rose, how are things on the side of fame and fortune?"

"Good. Well, look, Jack's here," Rose said, and hurried out to the car.

Ryan couldn't deal with the fact that Jack, his best friend, had his ex-girlfriend. Worse, as a wife!

"I'm getting her back," Ryan said, but low enough for nobody to hear.

Chapter Twelve