Chapter Twelve

Rose stretched lazily and settled back into an easy chair in the living room. Her tutor had left half an hour ago, and for the moment, she had nothing to do.

Her morning sickness had finally eased with the passing of her first trimester. Her waist had begun to thicken, though she had yet to feel the babies’ first kicks.

Her pregnancy had done nothing to dampen her popularity; in fact, many people who had formerly shown no interest in her music had been attracted by the publicity surrounding her expected babies. Thomas Andrews had handled the questions of reporters and fans, sending only a few Rose’s way. Jack had also been supportive, continuing his career right alongside her own.

Her eighteenth birthday was two months away, and she was already booked to sing in a casino in July. It was near to the time that the babies were due, but she didn’t worry. She had taken on less work since she had become pregnant, and thought she could handle a few appearances. Everything was going well, and there was no sign that it would change anytime soon.

Rose was brought from her reverie by the sound of the doorbell. She sat up, wondering who it was. A glance at the clock told her that it was just past three o’clock, so maybe it was one of her friends, out of school for the day. Getting to her feet, she went to answer the door.

"Ryan!" Rose stepped back in surprise. She knew that he was still interested in her, but she hadn’t expected him to show up, especially when Jack wasn’t home. Ryan and Jack were still friends, but Rose thought she had made it clear to Ryan that things were over between them.

"Hey, Rose."

"Jack isn’t home right now, Ryan," Rose told him, starting to close the door. Jack was in Los Angeles, recording a couple of new songs, and didn’t expect to be home until at least six o’clock.

"I know," Ryan told her, pushing the door open. "I came to see you."

"Ryan...I told you already. Things are over between us."

"Rose...just let me say this, okay?"

Rose sighed, leaning back against the doorframe. "Say it, Ryan. It won’t do any good."

He ran a hand through his hair. "Rose, I still love you--"


"Just let me say this, okay? I still love you. I should never have allowed things to end between us when you went off to be a pop star."

"But you did, and you asked Emily out. It would never have worked between us anyway, Ryan. You’re a nice guy, and I like you--but I love Jack. You’re the one who introduced us in the first place."

"You were my date that night."

"But you didn’t object when Jack and I stayed behind to get to know each other better."

"I’d tried setting you up with my friends before, and it had never worked."

"And you didn’t want it to work. But if you were so attracted to me, why did you try to set me up with your friends in the first place?"

He wouldn’t meet her eyes. "I’d liked you for years, but I didn’t think you liked me back. I guess I thought that if I set you up with enough guys you didn’t like, eventually you’d decide that I was a pretty nice guy."

"Ryan, you are a pretty nice guy. I’ve always thought so. But we weren’t meant to be together. I think I would have fallen in love with Jack even if I hadn’t met him at Santa Monica High. We worked so well together that it was only a matter of time."

Ryan made a final plea. "Rose, I love you, more than you could know. Please give me another chance."

Rose sighed, growing irritated with his unwillingness to let her go. "Ryan, I love Jack. I’m married to him. I’m having twins in July. What part of it’s over don’t you understand?"

"I can’t give you up."

"You have to. You gave me up a long time ago. Emily likes you. Why don’t you go out with her again?"

"I don’t want to go out with Emily."

"Well, then you’d better find someone you like, because you’re not going out with me. I’m married--happily married, I might add--and that’s not going to change. Things were over between us when I left, and we both know it."

Ryan shook his head. "It’s not over, Rose. You and I have known each other since elementary school. You’ve only known Jack for a few months."

"You and I have been friends for years, Ryan, but that’s all we’ll ever be--friends. And not even that if you don’t stop bothering me."


"Go away, Ryan. I don’t want to talk to you right now." She stepped back, closing the door in his face. Looking out the peephole, she saw him stare at the door for a moment before turning and stalking away.


Jack returned home at seven o’clock. Rose was in the dining room, waiting for him.

"Hey, Rose. What did you do today?" Jack asked her after he kissed her.

"The usual. The tutor came--oh, she says she’s going to have to work with you on Saturday, since you weren’t around today."

"Great. Just what I need."

"We’ll be graduating in five months anyway. Just hang in there. Jack..." Rose paused. "Ryan came by today."

Jack swore under his breath. "Is he still trying to get you back?"

"Yes. I told him you weren’t home, but he wanted to talk to me. He keeps insisting that he loves me, even when I told him that I’m happily married to you. I told him that we could be friends, but nothing else. I don’t think he wants to accept that, though."

"You’re hard to resist, Rose."

"Well, he’d better start resisting me, or I’m going to have him slapped with a restraining order. He’s really freaking me out, Jack. He should know better than to pursue another man’s wife--especially when she isn’t interested." Rose gave him a baleful look, not at all happy with his cavalier attitude toward Ryan’s continued interest in her.

"I think he’s serious, Jack," she continued. "I don’t know why he’s suddenly pursuing me again after all this time, but I want him to stop, and he won’t listen to me. Maybe he’ll listen to you."

Jack didn’t want to believe that things were really that serious, that his best friend was really chasing his wife, but he agreed. "I’ll talk to him tomorrow, Rose. I don’t want him trying to win you back."

"He won’t succeed. I can assure you of that."

"I didn’t think so, but I’ll try to get him to stop bothering you. Even if you are old friends, he still doesn’t have the right to mess with your life."

"I don’t think he quite realizes what he’d be getting into if he did win me over. I’m having twins in July, and babies are a lot of work. Besides that, I’ve got my career to think about. You understand about that, since you’re doing the same thing, but I don’t think he would."

"Okay, Rose. I still think you’re blowing this out of proportion, but I will talk to him. I promise."

Chapter Thirteen