Chapter Thirteen

The next afternoon, after school was out, Jack went to the fast food place where his friends hung out. He saw Ryan, Cole, Emily, and Shanleigh sitting in a booth near the back, and walked over.

"Hey, Jack," Shanleigh said, scooting over. "Have a seat."

Jack sat down next to her, and then looked at Ryan. Ryan ignored him.

"Hey, Ryan," Jack said. "I heard you stopped by yesterday."

"Stopped by where?"

Jack rolled his eyes. "Me and Rose’s house."

"Who told you that?"


"So that’s where you were," Emily commented. "We wondered where you’d gone."

"Yeah, well, I decided to stop and visit. We don’t see much of Rose and Jack anymore."

"I wasn’t home yesterday, you know. I was recording a couple of new songs."

"Yeah, that’s what Rose said."

Jack looked at Ryan, not wanting to confront him in front of the others. "Can I talk to you for a minute? Outside, I mean?"

"Why?" Ryan knew why Jack wanted to talk to him, but wasn’t about to admit it.


"Because why?"

"Oh, go talk to him, Ryan," Shanleigh said. "You’re both acting weird."

"Fine." Ryan slid out of the booth and followed Jack outside.

Once outside, Jack confronted him. "Why do you keep following Rose around?"

Ryan looked taken aback. "I don’t."

"Yes, you do. You followed her around at the mall, saying that you wanted her back. I thought you were just teasing her, even though she said you were freaking her out. Then you showed up yesterday, when I wasn’t home, and told her you wanted her back. She isn’t interested. What part of she’s married don’t you understand?"

"You stole her from me."

"I stole her from you? You two broke up when she went to be a pop star. You started going out with Emily. You’re the one who introduced us in the first place and tried to hook us up!"

"I didn’t think it would work!"

"You’re a moron," Jack told him. "If you wanted to keep her, you shouldn’t have tried to fix her up with other guys, and you shouldn’t have broken up with her."

"You were my best friend, and you stole her from me. Rose belongs with me!"

"Try telling her that. She was upset when I came home yesterday. She told me all about how you’d shown up and refused to leave, and how you tried to convince her to get back together with you." Ryan turned to stalk back inside, but Jack grabbed him by the collar. "You’d better stay away from her, or we’ll have you slapped with a restraining order so fast you won’t know what hit you!"

He let go of Ryan’s collar. Ryan glared at him.

"If you hadn’t shown up and taken her away from me--"

"You weren’t even an item when I moved to Santa Monica! She was annoyed with you for setting her up with me!"

"Then why did you keep chasing her?"

"I didn’t--until we both became stars. Then it was only natural that we get together. We were working together, we had the chemistry, and neither of us was attached. It was normal that we fell in love!"

"You really love her?"

Jack gave him a look that spoke volumes. "Why do you even need to ask?"

"Well, if you didn’t really love her, then it would be okay for me to try to take her away. She doesn’t deserve to be with a man who doesn’t love her."

"Well, I do love her, and she loves me--not you. You’d better remember that. Rose and I are married, and we’re not going to split up just because her ex-boyfriend wants her back."

"That should be up to Rose, shouldn’t it?"

"She’s already made it clear that she doesn’t want to get back together with you, but you’re too dense to see it!"

"I want to hear it from Rose."

"She’s threatened you with a restraining order! Besides, I don’t think you really want her back. You’re just jealous because your best friend married your ex-girlfriend. What would you do if you did win her back? Are you ready to take care of babies? Because she’s having twins in July!"

"It has nothing to do with being jealous."

"Then you’re ready to help her take care of two babies?" Jack turned on his heel, stalking toward the parking lot. He turned around and gave Ryan a threatening look. "Stay away from her, Ryan. I mean it. We might have been friends, but that doesn’t mean you can chase my wife. Leave her alone, or we will get a restraining order put on you. And with Rose being a celebrity, the whole world will know about it."

Ryan turned back toward the restaurant to see that his friends were all gathered at the door, listening to the argument. Not wanting to lose face, he extended a stiff middle finger toward Jack. Jack glared at him and made the gesture back before getting into his car, slamming the door, and speeding away.

Cole stared at Ryan. "Dude, you’re chasing Rose? She’s married!"

"Shut up. I know that, but she’s my ex-girlfriend. Jack didn’t have the right to take her away from me."

"You and Rose broke up when she left," Emily reminded him. She gave him an angry look. "I thought you liked me."

"I do, but you’re not Rose."

"Well, you’d better make up your God damned mind who you do want, because I don’t want to see you until you do. And if you choose Rose, I’ll bet you’ll be very disappointed. She doesn’t want you. I talked to her on the phone last week, and all she could talk about was how wonderful Jack is. Besides, she’s married. You don’t stand a chance." Emily looked at him with contempt.

"Fine." Ryan turned and walked away, heading for his car. "See ya."

He slammed the car door and drove away, furious over the way things had turned out. Rose obviously wanted nothing to do with him, and now Emily was pushing him away, too.

Chapter Fourteen