Chapter Fourteen

Ryan drove through the streets of Santa Monica, thinking. He was still furious over the way things had turned out, and Emily’s contempt made it worse than before. He and Rose had had something, or at least he thought they had. Maybe he had been wrong, but it didn’t change the way he felt. He had liked Rose for years, and it angered him that she had so quickly turned to Jack.

But Emily was right, he realized as he drove past the pier and headed into the city. Rose had fallen for Jack almost immediately. He had seen it even when she and Jack had first met, and he had quickly encouraged her to be his girlfriend, to keep her from taking an interest in Jack.

It hadn’t worked, of course. No matter how much he wished otherwise, he and Rose had never been meant to be together. Rose had never flirted with Jack while they were together, and Jack had respected their relationship and kept his distance from Rose. But after Ryan and Rose had broken up when Rose had gone to be a pop singer, it had only been a matter of time. Jack had soon left to take up the same career, and it wasn’t surprising that when they found themselves working together, they soon became more than friends.

Jack and Rose were meant to be together. He didn’t like it, but he had to accept it. If he wanted to remain friends with the Dawsons, he had to learn to deal with the fact that Rose would never be his, and he valued his friendship with both of them too much to destroy it over a flirtation that was hopeless.

As he stopped at a red light, Ryan knew that he had to make amends as soon as possible, before the rift between them became even larger. His mind made up, he reached for his cell phone, sitting on the seat beside him.

Keeping one eye on the light, Ryan started to punch in Jack and Rose’s number. When the light turned green, he pulled into the intersection, his concentration still on the phone.

He never saw the other driver coming toward him. A middle-aged businessman, shouting impatiently into his own cell phone, had run the red light. The two cars collided with a screech of tires and the crash of metal against metal, tearing the bumper from the businessman’s car and buckling in the hood, and caving in the side of Ryan’s car.


Rose hurried from where she and Jack had been practicing their latest duet to answer the phone. A breathless Emily was on the other end. For a moment, Rose couldn’t make out what she was saying.

"Rose! Oh, my God! You and Jack have to get down here right now. Ryan’s been in a car accident!"

"Oh, no! Where are you?"

"We’re at the hospital. Cole and Shanleigh and I are already there. It happened just a few blocks from the restaurant where we were hanging out, and Shanleigh saw it on her way home."

"Is Ryan okay?"

"The doctor says he’s in stable condition, but he’s got a concussion and a broken arm. Someone ran a red light and hit his car broadside. He’s going to be okay, though. That Geo Prizm of his might be old, but it’s sturdy. It’ll be as good as new once it gets fixed. The other driver is okay, too, even though his car is in a lot worse shape."

"This is terrible! We’ll be right there."

Rose got off the phone with Emily and went to get Jack.

"What’s going on?" he asked, when he saw her concerned expression.

"Ryan’s been in a car accident. Someone ran a red light and hit his car."

"Is he okay?"

"He should be."

"It serves him right, then."

"What?!" Rose couldn’t believe what she was hearing. "What do you mean, it serves him right?"

"After the way he’s been chasing you, trying to break up our marriage, he deserves to get in some trouble."

"I can’t believe you’re saying this. Ryan is your best friend!"

"Not anymore. Not after the way he pursued you."

"Jack Dawson, sometimes you can be the most mean, insensitive person I know! Your old friend gets into a car accident, and you can’t even be bothered to see him." She glared at him. "He is still my friend, in spite of his attempt to win me back, and I’m going to go see him. You can stay here by yourself if you want." Rose grabbed her car keys from the hook beside the front door. "I’ll see you later."

"Rose, wait!"

"Wait for what?"

"I’m coming with you."

"Oh, nice of you to change your mind. What, are you afraid he’ll win me back?"

Jack gave her an annoyed look, following her to the car in silence.


They arrived at the hospital about twenty minutes later. Cole was waiting for them in the lobby, so that he could show them which room Ryan was in. He wouldn’t be there for long--he had come through the accident well enough to be sent home in the evening--but for the time being the doctor was keeping an eye on him, and his friends were visiting him in the hospital.

Jack and Rose followed Cole to the elevator, still not speaking. When they reached Ryan’s floor and left the elevator, Jack suddenly turned to Rose.

"Why are you so concerned about Ryan, anyway?"

Rose scowled at him. "He’s my friend. He used to be your best friend. Of course I’m going to be concerned when a friend gets hurt."

"I just think it’s kind of strange that you’re so concerned about someone who you wanted a restraining order against yesterday."

"As long as he doesn’t try to get back together with me, we can still be friends." Rose looked at Jack. "I think you’re jealous. Ryan and I are just friends, but you can’t seem to accept that. Maybe, with the way you’re acting, I’d be better off taking Ryan up on his offer, because you’re acting like a real jerk."

Jack stared at her furiously. "Maybe you should. Maybe you’d be happier with him." He turned on his heel and walked away, leaving Rose standing in front of the elevator.


Rose followed Cole to Ryan’s room. Jack had walked off in the right direction and had already been invited in by Emily and Shanleigh. He stood at the end of Ryan’s bed, not looking at him, or at Rose.

"Hey, Jack. Hey, Rose." Ryan looked from one to the other, wondering what was bothering them. They seemed upset about something, and he didn’t think it was him.

"Hey, Ryan," Rose told him, ignoring Jack.

"Rose, Jack...I wanted to apologize for what I did, for chasing Rose and trying to get her back. I was wrong to try and break up your marriage. I was about to call you and apologize when the accident happened, but I never got a chance to finish dialing your number."

"Ryan, I understand. I forgive you--as long as you don’t do it again," Rose told him, giving him a forgiving look.

Jack was more skeptical of Ryan’s change of heart. He didn’t quite believe him, but knew better than to say so. Rose would be furious if he spoke up. Instead, he just eyed both of them suspiciously.

Ryan could see that Jack didn’t quite believe him, but decided against taking the time to argue with him. Instead, he turned to Emily.

"Okay, I gotta say it...Emily, I’m sorry I dumped you to pursue Rose. I shouldn’t have done that. Not only is she married, but you trusted me."

"I knew you’d admit that sooner or later," Emily told him, raising an eyebrow. "You’re forgiven." Before he could respond, she threw her arms around him, kissing him in front of everyone.

Ryan didn’t protest. He just put his arms around her and kissed her back.


Jack and Rose were still silent as they made their way home. Finally, when they arrived at home, Rose spoke up.

"Jack, whatever made you think that I would want Ryan instead of you?"

Jack shrugged, but didn’t answer her.

Rose sighed. "Jack, Ryan and I are friends. We’ve never really been anything else. Even when we were going out, we were never really more than friends. I knew it, and I think he did, too."

When he still didn’t answer, she went on.

"’s you that I love. I’ve never loved anyone else, and I never will. There’s no one like you in the world. You’re my husband, my soulmate, and the father of my babies." She took his hand, putting it on her swollen midsection to make her point.

Finally, Jack responded. Sighing, he told her, "You’re right. I was jealous. Ryan was my best friend, and he was the one who introduced us. I liked you right away, but you were going out with him. When you two broke up and you left to be a star, I thought I would never see you again. But much to my surprise, I became a star, too, and we started working together. And then we got married. Things seemed perfect--until Ryan showed up again. I wasn’t sure that you wouldn’t want to go back to him, especially as persistent as he was, and when you showed so much concern when he was in the car accident, I kind of assumed the worst--that you really did want to get back together with him."

Rose shook her head. "Jack, I never considered getting back together with him. What I said at the hospital, about taking him up on his offer, was just the anger talking. I was mad at you, and wanted to get back at you for being such a jerk."

"I guess I was a jerk, wasn’t I?"

"Yes, but I love you anyway. You have nothing to worry about. I would have been just as concerned had it been Cole or Emily or Shanleigh who had gotten hurt." She turned to him, leaning forward and kissing him. "I love you, Jack."

"Rose, I’m sorry. I let my temper and jealously get the better of me. I don’t really think that you’re going to go off with Ryan--or anyone else." He pulled her into his arms. "I love you, Rose."

Rose hugged him back, and they kissed for a long time before going into the house.


That evening, when he knew Ryan would be home, Jack finally gave him a call. Neither of them had behaved very well that afternoon when they were arguing over Rose.


"Hey, Ryan. It’s Jack."


There was an uncomfortable silence. Finally, Jack spoke.

"How are you doing?"

"I’m okay. That car I drive is sturdy. I didn’t get hurt too bad."

"That’s good." Jack paused. "Ryan, were you serious when you apologized for chasing Rose?"

"Yeah. I won’t bother her anymore. I guess I was just mad that you, my best friend, married my ex-girlfriend. I kind of acted like a jerk."

"Rose said the same thing about me, that I was a jerk for thinking she’d want you instead of me."

"You thought that? She made it clear that she wasn’t interested in me. She told me off good, and threatened me with a restraining order if I bothered her again."

"Yeah, she told me that, but I still thought that she might want to get back together with you. She was so concerned when she heard that you’d been in a car accident..."

"Rose is like that. I’ve known her for years, and she’s always concerned when a friend is in trouble. It doesn’t mean she’s falling in love with them."

"Well, I understand that now. But are you sure you do? Are you sure you won’t follow her anymore?"

"I absolutely guarantee, Jack, that I won’t pursue her anymore. I’m back together with Emily. She’s over here with me now. I don’t want to pursue Rose, and besides, Emily would break my other arm if I did."

Jack laughed, then sobered. "So, does this mean we can be friends again?"

There was a silence as Ryan thought it over. Jack could hear Emily nagging him in the background, her words indistinct. Finally, Ryan spoke to him again.

"Okay. Friends again. Just so long as we never chase each other’s girls."

"Don’t worry about that. I only want Rose."

"Well, Emily’s not too shabby herself. Quit looking at me like that." Jack could hear Ryan and Emily arguing in the background. "All right, she’s not shabby at all. She’s beautiful. Now, are you satisfied?" Ryan and Emily conversed quietly for a few minutes again. "Okay, I’m happy, Emily’s happy, everyone’s happy. Friends?"

Jack laughed. "Friends."

Chapter Fifteen