Chapter Fifteen

July 15, 2000

Rose continued performing throughout her pregnancy. In addition to occasional appearances on talk shows and MTV, she also performed in one solo concert and two concerts with Jack. Her advancing pregnancy forced her to slow down somewhat, but it didn’t stop her from recording a new album with Jack.

On July 15, 2000, two days after her due date, Rose and Jack were scheduled to perform at Casino Morongo, near Palm Springs. Under most circumstances, they would have been too young to go into a casino, but Casino Morongo was on an Indian reservation, and, as a technically foreign country, the reservation could make its own rules about who was old enough to enter a casino.

The casino was crowded by the time the concert was scheduled to start. People milled around, eating, drinking, and gambling, and more than a few waited eagerly for the two young stars to come on stage.

Rose had her reservations about the concert. She had been having back pains all day, though she had tried to ignore them, but her obstetrician had told her enough about what to expect that she was beginning to suspect that she was going into labor.

Still, the concert was only going to be an hour and a half long, so what harm could it do? She would finish the concert, tell Jack what was going on, and have him take her to the hospital. Another pain struck her as she and Jack walked on stage, but she still ignored it.

The crowd cheered as they came on stage and began their first song. Ten minutes into the concert, Jack noticed that Rose had stopped singing. Her lips still moved, but silently, and she looked more like she was counting than singing.

He nudged her gently in the side with his elbow. She glanced up, plastered a smile on her face, and tried to resume singing.

It didn’t work too well. She got to the end of the verse before the pain overwhelmed her, causing her to end the verse in a shriek.

The music stopped as the musicians looked up at her in surprise. The audience murmured, wondering what was wrong. Jack stared at her for a moment, then led her away from the microphones.

"What’s wrong?" he whispered, leaning his face close to hers.

"I...I...think I’m going into labor," she whispered back, her face breaking out into a sweat.


"Since this morning, actually, but I thought I could get through the concert."

"Rose! Why didn’t you say something?!"

"Because I thought it would take longer than this."

The casino manager, who had been watching from backstage, gestured to them. Jack hurried over.

"What is going on?" she asked, looking from Jack to Rose. The tickets for the concert had sold out, and if something was going to go wrong, she wanted to know what it was.

"Rose is in labor," Jack told her. "I need to take her to the hospital."

The manager looked over at Rose, who was giving a sheepish smile to the audience.

"All right. Go. Is it possible to book you for another concert in the near future?"

Thomas Andrews had come to the edge of the curtain at the commotion, and he readily agreed.

"Of course. In about six weeks, perhaps? To give Rose a chance to recuperate from the birth? If it’s okay with the two of you," he added, as Jack and Rose came up to him.

Jack looked at Rose and shrugged. "It’s okay with me."

Rose nodded. "Yes. In about six weeks. Right now, though, could we please get out of here? I think these babies really want out."

"We’ll get out of here in just a moment," Jack told her. "But first, let’s tell the audience what’s going on. They need to know why the concert was suddenly cut short."

"Good idea."

Jack and Rose walked back to the microphones, followed by the manager. Jack tapped on one microphone to get the audience’s attention.

"Can we have your attention, please?" he asked. The audience stopped talking amongst themselves and turned their attention toward the stage.

"We’re sorry to cut the concert short, but the Dawson twins have chosen tonight to come into the world," Rose told them. "Since I’d just as soon not give birth on stage, we’re going to have to stop now and go to the hospital. I hope you understand."

The audience was silent for a moment. Then, someone began to applaud. Others soon joined him, and soon the room was filled with cheers and applause.

Rose beamed, grateful for their acceptance of the situation. As she and Jack left the stage, she heard the manager announcing that another concert would be scheduled in six weeks, and those who had bought tickets to this concert would not have to pay for new tickets.

Thomas Andrews met them backstage, along with Molly Brown. They hustled Rose past the security guards and into the car, getting her on her way to the hospital.

Chapter Sixteen