Chapter Seventeen

July 16, 2000

Within a few hours, news of the birth and the location of Rose and her newborns had gotten out. The hospital itself had been discreet, refusing information on the grounds of confidentiality, but the audience to whom Jack and Rose had spoken the night before when they had left for the hospital had no such restrictions, and the news that the Dawson twins had been born in a hospital in Palm Springs quickly reached the media.

It didn’t take long for the reporters and photographers from various newspapers, magazines, and TV shows to find the hospital. Before the hospital staff could prepare for the onslaught, they crowded the waiting room, demanding information and interviews. Curious bystanders also joined the crowd, until hospital security had to be called to remove the milling people so that patients could get in.

Thomas Andrews finally obtained the use of a conference room to talk to the reporters and photographers. Disappointed that they couldn’t actually talk to Rose and see the babies, but looking for any story they could get, they gathered in the room, shouting questions and demanding to know everything that had happened.

Andrews answered their questions, telling them the names of the babies, when they were born, and how much they weighed, assuring them that both mother and children were fine. When they still demanded more information, he called Jack on his cell phone.

A few minutes later, Jack arrived in the conference room. The photographers immediately began snapping pictures of the new father, and the reporters turned their attention to him, demanding more information.

"How does it feel to be a father?"

Jack responded, coming up to a podium and motioning for silence. "It’s wonderful. It’s the greatest feeling in the world."

"You and your wife are both so young. Are you sure you’re ready for child-rearing?"

"We’re ready. We’ve been ready since the moment we knew about the babies. Of course, it won’t hurt that we’ll have some help from our friends."

As if on cue, Ryan, Emily, Cole, and Shanleigh barged into the room, flocking up to the podium where Jack stood.

"It took you long enough to get here!" he exclaimed, as the photographers began snapping pictures of the group.

"Hey, it’s a long drive from Santa Monica to Palm Springs," Ryan told him. "You only called at six o’clock this morning."

"Was it really that early? I wasn’t paying attention."

Some of the reporters laughed, writing down Jack’s every word.

"Where are Rose and the babies, anyway?" Shanleigh wanted to know.

"They’re in the maternity ward," Jack said. "I’ll take you up to see them in a few minutes."

"Mr. Dawson!" Some of the reporters began to shout for his attention, pleading to be allowed into the maternity ward to interview the mother and photograph her and the twins.

At that moment, there was a commotion from the back of the room. A tall man with graying red hair entered, accompanied by a young redheaded woman being pushed in a wheelchair by a nurse. Two infants sent up furious squalls at the clamor.

More cameras clicked as photographers turned to take pictures of Perry DeWitt-Bukater, Rose, and the twins.

"Back off! Back off!" the nurse shouted, motioning back some members of the crowd who were coming too close. Rose turned the babies from the photographers and put their heads on her shoulders, trying to soothe the frightened newborns.

Two security guards followed them in, having far more success in making the crowd back off than the nurse. Perry took over from her, wheeling his daughter to the podium beside her husband and friends.

Shakily, Rose got up, still cradling the twins. Maddy had stopped crying and stared at everyone with the blank fascination of newborns. Avery continued to whimper until Jack took him, patting his back soothingly.

As Rose stepped up to the podium, voices again filled the room, but with the presence so often remarked upon, she quieted them before they could again frighten the twins. As the photographers snapped pictures, Rose gave the speech she had prepared for the press when the babies arrived.

"Maddy Elizabeth and Avery Thomas Bukater-Dawson were born at 12:15 AM and 12:22 AM, respectively, on July 16, 2000. Maddy weighed six pounds, seven ounces at birth, and Avery weighed six pounds, nine ounces."

"Aren’t they a little smaller than many full-term babies?" a reporter asked.

"Yes, but remember that they’re twins. Babies in multiple births tend to be smaller," Thomas Andrews answered for her when Rose looked a little baffled by the question.

"How do you feel about being a mother?" another reporter asked Rose.

"I love my children. Giving birth was hard, but it was a wonderful experience, anyway--such a miracle. I brought these two tiny children into the world--though they didn’t seem so tiny when they were being born," she added, bringing knowing laughter from a few mothers in the crowd.

"Mr. Dawson, were you present for the birth?"

"He was there every minute," Rose responded, smiling at Jack lovingly. "Even when I tried to bite his fingers."

"Good thing you didn’t try to bite anything else," a photographer muttered, drawing snickers from those around him.

Rose turned her attention to her friends. "You guys came!"

"Jack called Ryan at six o’clock this morning, going on and on about interrupted concerts and perfect twins. Ryan called the rest of us, and we got here about fifteen minutes ago."

Rose nodded as her father spoke up. "Rose called me on my cell phone. Luckily, I was in Palm Springs on business, so I got here almost right away."

"Where you’ve been for the past hour, spoiling your grandchildren outrageously," Rose added as he took Maddy and cuddled her.

"What else are grandfathers for?" he asked. "Rose, I called your mother. She’ll be here this afternoon. I also took the liberty of calling Jack’s parents. His mother should be here in a couple of hours, and his father will be flying in from New York later today."

"At the Palm Springs airport?" Jack asked, quietly, so the reporters couldn’t hear him.

"Yes. I told both Rose’s mother and your father to catch flights to Palm Springs. I’ll pick them up when they get here."

The reporters were growing restless as the quiet conversation continued, some trying to sneak forward to hear what was being said. The security guards were trying to keep them back when Jack and Rose again turned to the podium.

"We thank you for taking the time to interview us," Rose told the crowd, taking Avery from Jack. A few more pictures were snapped. "Now, though, the babies are falling asleep, and I, for one, have had a long night."

"We’ll be granting further interviews at a later date, when mother and babies are rested," Jack added, turning the podium over to Mr. Andrews.

As Mr. Andrews dismissed the reporters and photographers from the room, Jack helped Rose back into her wheelchair, walking beside her as the nurse wheeled her back to her room. Perry and their friends followed close behind, almost blocking the hallway as they hurried to accompany Rose to her room.

Once there, Rose nursed the fussing babies, pulling a blanket over herself for privacy. Her father tactfully left the room, allowing the friends to talk.

"Emily and I have an announcement to make," Ryan told them, pulling Emily close.

"We’re engaged," Emily announced, showing her diamond engagement ring.

"You are? Oh, congratulations!" Rose exclaimed, hugging her friends around an armful of babies. Cole and Shanleigh stared at the couple on surprise.

"You’re engaged?" Shanleigh asked, her eyes sparkling. "So are Cole and I!"

"This is a time to celebrate," Rose agreed, sitting up. Jack put his arms around her and the twins.

"Two babies and two weddings. Who would have thought that the group of friends who got together at the beginning of senior year would have come this far?" he said, taking the now sleeping babies from his wife.

"Everything worked out in spite of ourselves." Emily smiled, embracing Ryan.

As Jack handed the twins to the nurse’s assistant, the six classmates came together, hugging and assuring one another that no matter where their lives led them, they would always be friends.
