Chapter Two

Rose walked to her second class with Ryan and Shanleigh. She was happy she had at least two people she knew in her next class.

"Hey, Rose, I have a friend named Jack Dawson. He lives in Sunland right now, but he will be moving here next week. Do you think you could show him the ropes?" Ryan asked Rose.

Rose looked at Ryan. She knew this was another set-up, but she agreed anyway.

"Great…um…anyway, Shanleigh, we will catch up to you in a minute," Ryan told Shanleigh, and Shanleigh walked down to art.

Ryan looked at Rose. "Hey, Rose?"

"Yeah, Ryan?" Rose asked.

"Do you want to go to the movies tonight?" Ryan asked her.

Rose looked at Ryan. Was he asking her out on a date?

"Sure, Ryan," Rose said.

"Great. I'll pick you up at seven," Ryan said, and Rose and Ryan walked the rest of the way to art.

That night, Rose looked for something to wear and settled on her black shirt without the back and her blue jean bellbottoms and pulled her hair into a bun.

At seven o'clock, Ryan showed up with his friend Jack Dawson with him in the car. Rose realized he was trying to hook the two of them up.

Rose walked out to the car and got in the back. Jack insisted she get in the front, but she got in the back, so Jack moved back there, too.

Rose looked at Ryan through the rearview mirror and gave him a dirty look.

Ryan ignored her and went and picked up Emily.

When they got there, Jack, Rose, Ryan, and Emily saw Cole and Shanleigh and they all decided to go see Bring it On.

After the movie, Rose and Jack decided to get to know each other and told Ryan and Emily to go on and that they would get a cab.

"So, Rose, are you a senior?" Jack asked her.

Rose nodded. "Yeah. I am so glad, too. No more math!"

Jack laughed. "Yeah. Math is my worst subject in school."

Jack and Rose ended up in a park, talking about their lives and college.

"Well, I applied to NYU and Brown," Rose said.

"I applied to Yale and NYU," Jack said.

"So, I guess we both want to go to NYU," Rose said.

"Yeah, but Yale was my mom's idea," Jack said.

"Brown was my dad's idea," Rose said.

"What happened to your mom?" Jack asked her.

"She and my dad divorced when I was twelve, and now I live with Dad. What about your dad?" Rose asked.

"Oh, my parents divorced when I was fourteen, and now I live with my mom," Jack said.

Rose and Jack found out they had a lot in common, and Rose promised to call Jack the next day. Jack went to sleep that night with dreams of Rose. Rose had dreams of Jack.

Chapter Three