Chapter Four

Rose's dad got home safe. Later that week, he got a phone call.

Behind Rose's back, he had given one of his friends who was in the music business a tape of Rose singing.

"We loved hearing her sing, and we would like to have her sign on with us," he told Rose's father.

Rose found out and agreed. "Thank you so much!"

"Rose, you still have to do tutoring on the road," he warned her.

"Dad, I promise I'll keep my grades up," Rose told him.

They agreed, but Rose had the hardest time leaving Santa Monica High School.

On Rose's last day, she told everyone good-bye, and cried when she had to say good-bye to Ryan.

Three Weeks Later

"Cut! Okay, everybody, that's a wrap. Excellent, Rose!" her manager told her.

"Thanks, Mr. Andrews," Rose said, then made her way to her dressing room.

Rose walked into her dressing room and called Shanleigh.

"Hey, Shan. What's up?" Rose asked her.

"Nothing, but it's not the same without you. Ryan did ask Emily out, and Cole and I are an item," Shanleigh replied.

"Cool. How's Jack?" Rose asked.

"He's getting used to it," Shanleigh said.

"Well, I have to go to a photo shoot. See you later, Candy," Rose said.

"Bye, Care Bear," Shanleigh said. Then they hung up, and Rose got ready to go to another photo shoot.

When Rose walked in, the cameras were already set up.

"Hi, Mr. Andrews," Rose said.

"Hello, Rose. We need to write a new song. You will be singing it for a new movie coming out called Titanic, and you will also be appearing in Dawson's Creek and 7th Heaven," he told her.

"All right. I'll start working on the new song after the photo shoot. You can deal with everything else," Rose said.

"All right, Rose. All right, people, let's get going. We don't have much time," Mr. Andrews said.

Two weeks later, Rose was on the set of Dawson's Creek. She had a blast, but later admitted to Mr. Andrews that she couldn't wait until 7th Heaven.

Meanwhile, in Santa Monica, Jack was getting famous. Rose had no idea that Mr. Andrews had signed Jack on to work with her.

Chapter Five