Chapter Seven

Rose sat there, waiting for the question. "What is it, Jack?"

"I don't want to lose you. I almost lost you to fame and fortune. Rose, will you marry me?" Jack asked.

"Yes!" Rose exclaimed, loud enough for everyone to look at her.

"Ms. Bukater, are you all right?" the manager asked.

"Let's blow this joint, Jack," Rose said.

"I thought you'd never ask," Jack said, and they ran out of the restaurant.

"Rose, wait up!" Mr. Andrews said when he saw them running.

They finally got back to their hotel rooms, but they decided to rent one of their own under the names Marianne and Bryan Appleton.

"I can't believe we pulled it off," Rose said.

"Me, either," Jack replied, laughing.

"Jack, we need to make the wedding plans," Rose said.

"Let's get married now," Jack said.

"Are you serious?" Rose asked.

"Yes! Let's get married!" Jack exclaimed.

"Jack..." Rose started.

"Come on. Mr. Andrews and your makeup person can help," Jack said.

"Mr. Andrews and Molly Brown?" Rose asked.

"Yeah, I know. We're only seventeen and eighteen. Please, Rose?" Jack asked.

"Let's get married," Rose said, and they went to get Mr. Andrews and Molly Brown.

Chapter Eight