Chapter Nine

One Month Later

Rose got out of bed. This was the third time she had gotten out of bed. She ran to the bathroom and threw up.

Jack and Mr. Andrews had noticed this, and decided to take her to the doctor.

"Well, Ms. Bukater, I have your tests back," Dr. Sklaro said.

"Am I all right?" Rose asked, holding Jack's hand tightly.

"You're fine. So are your babies," he replied.

"That's what?" Rose exclaimed.

"You, Ms. Bukater, are pregnant," Dr. Sklaro said.

"She is?" Jack and Mr. Andrews asked.

"Four weeks, to be exact," he said.

Rose looked at Jack and Mr. Andrews. "What are we going to tell the rest of the world?"

"That you are expecting," Mr. Andrews said.

"Yeah, and anyway, you were getting pretty big in music," Jack said.

"That's a good thing?" Rose asked.

"Yeah, it means that you can take a break from music," Jack said.

"And you can spend more time with Jack and the little Dawson," Mr. Andrews said.

"Dawsons," Dr. Sklaro interrupted.

"I'm having..." Rose started.

"Twins, Rose," he replied.

"Rose, if you want an abortion..." Mr. Andrews started.

"Mr. Andrews, this is a human you are talking about, and no, I don't," Rose said.

"Fine," Mr. Andrews said.

"Thank you, Jack," Rose said.

"For what?" Jack asked.

"For giving me these babies," Rose said.

Chapter Ten