Chapter Two

"Cut!" Rose heard.

"You did excellent, Rose," she heard her partner, Jack, say.

Rose looked at Jack. "Thanks."

Jack helped her out of the water. "If you're not careful, you're going to steal the show."

Rose smiled. These days, Jack was pretty much all she had for confidence. They had met on the set of Titanic, and James Cameron decided that Jack and Rose would fit for the character names.

"Thanks," Rose replied in her Texas drawl.

"My pleasure," Jack said, his New York accent was very obvious.

James walked up to the two of them. "Excellent job, guys. Tomorrow we're going to start on the ending scene."

Rose and Jack both nodded.

"I might be a little late. Keith's taking me out for breakfast," Rose said. "Is that all right?"

"Fine, just be here by nine thirty," James replied.

Jack cringed. Rose yet again was talking about her boyfriend, Keith. He didn't know exactly why he was jealous, but something about Keith just make Jack angry to hear his name coming from Rose.

"Jack? Anybody in there?" Rose asked, waving her hand in front of his face.

Jack blinked a few times. "Yeah."

"So, do you want to go out for lunch after showers?" Rose asked.

"Sure," Jack replied.

Rose smiled. "Okay. I'll see you later."

Jack nodded and watched Rose walk off. He then realized he was going to tell her something at lunch.

Chapter Three