Chapter Six

Rose slowly put on her lavender dress. The train surrounded her, and the dress itself showed off her figure.

Her hair was down and her makeup, to say the least, was wonderful.

A knock on Rose's door signaled to her that Jack was ready to leave. She quickly grabbed her purse and left.

Rose walked slowly over to the limousine that would escort her and Jack to the premier. Rose had grown fond of Jack, but still couldn't trust herself to love any other man. Keith had taught her the lesson of trustworthiness.

"Hey," Jack said, opening the door for Rose.

"Hey," Rose replied, getting into the car.

The ride to the premier was silent. Small talk had been made, but those conversations did not last.

The car came to an abrupt stop in front of the red carpet. Jack got out first, and then offered his arm to Rose.

Rose shielded her eyes from the flash of the cameras. Millions of questions were tossed around her and Jack.

"Looks like we've made the headlines," Jack said.

Rose laughed. "Yeah, wouldn't they be surprised if we started making out right in front of them?"

Jack let out a slight laugh and turned his attention toward the open doors.

After they got inside, Rose and Jack were led to their own private viewing booth. Both of them would give speeches shortly before the movie began, and both were nervous.

Rose yawned. "I can't believe we got through these past few months of filming."

Jack nodded. "I know. I'm surprised we didn't die from the food, let alone the filming hours."

Rose and Jack both gave short speeches, each sharing memories of things that happened on and off set; shortly after the speeches, the movie began.

Rose and Jack both watched from the booth. The movie was soon over, surprisingly. They had each expected it to be longer.

Rose and Jack again made their way through a sea of reporters, questions, and camera flashes.

Rose and Jack both went to their trailers after a short good-bye. After a few more days, they wouldn't see each other again.

Chapter Seven