Chapter Seven

August 2001

Rose and Jack had started dating shortly after the premier, and had even moved in together. The media, now aware of the romance, was outside of their home every day.

Rose awoke in an instant, scrambling to the bathroom.

Jack heard the noise from the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Rosie? Are you okay?"

Jack heard Rose groan. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"Maybe I should take you to the doctor," Jack said.

Rose opened the door. "Yeah, I heard there was a flu going around. I might need some medicine."

Jack nodded. "Okay."

Rose went into the bedroom and dressed. She had to make a good appearance, due to the large swarm of reporters outside of their house.

Jack dressed as well, wearing a pair of wrinkled khaki pants and a black polo shirt.

Rose walked out of the bedroom in a pair of khaki capris and a black sleeveless shirt. "Nice outfit."

Jack offered Rose his hand. "Great minds think alike."

Rose took his hand and laughed. "My thoughts exactly."

Rose and Jack opened their front door to the swarm of reporters outside. Camera flashes were seen and millions of questions were thrown around.

Jack and Rose quickly escaped to their car, with only a few camera flashes leaving them blinded for a short time.


Rose and Jack both looked at the doctor sitting across from them.

"Is it bad?" Rose asked the doctor, taking Jack's hand.

"No. You will have morning sickness for a while, though," he replied, checking the tests he had just taken.

"Can you tell us what's wrong?" Jack questioned, getting more worried.

"Well, Ms. DeWitt-Bukater is pregnant," he replied.

Rose's mouth dropped. "How far along am I?"

"I would say at least a month, if not two," he said, putting on his glasses.

Jack and Rose exchanged glances, smiling at each other.

"So, when am I having the baby?" Rose inquired, still smiling at Jack.

"Babies. The tests show that you are having twins, and your due date is May 12, 2002," he replied, now looking up from the folder.

Jack hugged Rose. "I love you, Rosie."

"I love you, too," Rose replied, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Jack took Rose's hand. He now knew it was time to ask the question he'd been wanting to ask for months.

Chapter Eight