Chapter Twelve

It was early morning when Rose decided to take a walk in the park. After a while, she sat on a bench. She was crying when she felt someone sit next to her.

"There is no worse kind of blindness than those who don’t want to see," he said.

She looked at him and realized that it was the little kid who had given her the note.

"What do you mean? That really didn’t make any sense," she said.

"Of course it did! I’m blind, but I can still tell you that you love that guy, Jack," he said.

"You are blind?" she asked.

"Well, why do you think I wear these glasses and go to school over there?" he asked, pointing to the school for the blind.

"I’m sorry. I didn’t know. And why do you say that I love Jack?"

"Well, when you are blind, you can feel people better. You can just listen to their voices and tell what’s wrong with them. When I heard you crying, I knew it was because of him. You don’t realize it, but you love that guy more than I would love to see. We don’t know what we have until we lose it. And you, my friend, must be blind. You lost him once and again, and you still haven’t seen what you lost," he said, and started to slowly walk towards his school.

"What’s your name?" Rose asked.

"Dustin, but my friends call me Dusty," he said.

"Thank you, Dusty, and be careful," she said.

"Don’t worry. I have been blind all my life, just like you, but I’m blind in the eyes," he said, smiling.

Rose returned to her apartment and saw Rick sitting in a chair. She smiled at him, walked to the other chair, and sat down.

"Go, Rose," he said.


"Leave. I know you want to go with him, and I’m not going to stop you. I heard you crying last night. I realized that you really love Jack. I think I’ve known it since I saw that look in your eye when I told you he was dead. I realized it even more when I heard you cry in pain. I realized you have the most incredible love for him. I wish I could have stolen your heart like he did," he said.

"Rick, I don’t have to leave…"

"Yes, you do! Go to him; go to him before it’s too late. Before you lose him like I lost you. If he doesn’t want you anymore, you know you can always come back to me, and don’t worry about your mom. I’ll tell her about your love. I’ll make her see," he said.


A few days later, Jack was back in Rocksprings. After working all day, Jack sat against his favorite tree. It was a beautiful night, and the stars were as beautiful as ever. He sat there, just looking at them. He smiled when he saw a shooting star. He started to search for the ones that shone the most. He closed his eyes, thinking of Rose.

"What do they say, Jack? What do the stars say?"

Jack quickly got up and saw her. It was Rose. He thought he was dreaming and rubbed his eyes. When he opened them, he realized it really was her.

"Rose, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"I came to tell you that I have thought of you since you left for the Army. That I have dreamed of you every night since that day. To ask for your forgiveness for being blind, for not realizing that you are the best thing that ever happened to me. I also came to tell you that I love you with all my heart. That I love you more than my life, more than air! I love you, Jack Dawson, and I don’t want to be your friend anymore. I love you too much to just be your friend. I want to wake up by your side, make little Jacks and little Roses. I want to grow old with you; I want to fight over stupid things like old couples do! I love you, Jack!" she cried.

Jack smiled and, with tears falling from his eyes, ran to her and hugged her. He kissed her over and over again. She hugged him and cried on his shoulder. But these were tears of joy.

"Jack? What do they say? What do the stars say? What have they told you?" she asked, looking at him. He looked into her eyes.

"Ever since I was young, they…told me to be patient…that one day you would look at me…the way you are looking at me right now," he said, crying, and she looked at him and smiled. They kissed again; they hugged tightly under the night sky, under the stars. Nothing in the world could come between them. Finally, their hearts were as one, as if it was written in the stars.

The End.
