Chapter Eight

Jack had gotten a second job. He was working delivering food to parties. It was December 31, 1969; several New Year’s Eve parties were going to happen that night. Jack had to work that day, delivering food to a big, fancy party at a hotel. He didn’t understand how they could be so happy when the war was still going on. He guessed they had to live life.


Rick planned to take Ruth and Rose to a fancy party that night, and there he would make the announcement to his friends about his wedding to Rose. Rose didn’t want go, but Ruth forced her to. Something also told her to go. She didn’t know what.

When they got there, people started to greet Rick. They were people she didn’t know. Maybe they were people from his work, she thought, since Rick didn’t bother to tell her.

They sat at a table and a waiter took their orders. Some musicians started to play some music. Rick took Rose’s hand and took her to the dance floor. She didn’t like the idea, but she didn’t want to make her mom mad.


Jack was told to take some boxes to the dining room; this meant he would have to go to the actual party. He didn’t want to, because he felt out of place. He put his company hat backwards so he could see over the boxes clearly. He started to walk through the crowds of fancily dressed people. He could feel their stares. He heard the music stop.

A man started to talk.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I’m truly sorry for interrupting, but I have a special announcement to make."

Jack quickly recognized his voice and turned to look at him. It was Rick talking.

"First let me say, happy 1970, and I hope you all have a great time at this wonderful party. Now, back to what I was about to tell you, I just want to say that I’m the luckiest man alive. My wonderful fiancée and I will be married in two months!" he said, pointing to Rose. People started to applaud.

Jack looked at the woman Rick was pointing to. His heart sank when he saw that beautiful red hair and those beautiful eyes. It was Rose! He had prayed for so long to see her again, and now he was in shock. He was so shocked that he had his eyes glued to her and his mouth wide open. He was so shocked that he forgot about the boxes and dropped them. They were heavy, and as they dropped, they made a loud noise.

The loud noise made Rose turn and look towards him. Now they were looking at each other. Rose’s eyes started to fill with tears. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. They both just stared at each other for a moment. They forgot about the people around them, and time seemed to have stopped. Both of them started to cry.

Rose couldn’t take it anymore and fainted. Jack tried to go to her, but he saw Ruth and Rick rushing to her. He grabbed the boxes from the floor and took them back. Rick and Ruth had no idea why she had fainted. All the people were looking at her. Ruth and Rick helped her up and took her their car. Jack slowly and carefully followed them. He hailed a taxi and followed them.

The car stopped at some expensive apartments. Jack watched them get out. Rose was still not awake. Rick carried her into the building. Jack now knew where she lived; he wouldn’t let this chance slip away. He needed to let Rose know everything.

It was getting dark, and Jack figured she wouldn’t come out, so he left, planning to come back the next day.


"Rose, are you okay?" Rick asked. They were inside the apartment. Rose was barely waking up.

"Oh…my head! Oh, my God!" she said, crying.

"What’s wrong? What happened? It looks like you saw a ghost. What’s wrong, Rose?"

Rose thought about telling him about Jack, but thought that he would think she was crazy. Maybe I am, she thought.

"Nothing. I just have not been feeling well, and I didn’t eat breakfast. Maybe that is why I fainted. I haven’t eaten all day."

"Well, you sure scared your mother and me. Rose, why don’t you rest for a while, or go to sleep. It will do you good," he said.

She agreed and lay back. Rick was starting to leave when Rose stopped him.

"Rick, I’m sorry I ruined the party. I’m really sorry," she said.

"Don’t worry about it," he said, and left.

Rose buried her face in her pillow. Was it really him? Why was this happening to her? Why? Rose smiled at the thought of him being alive, but she was sure it wasn’t possible. Maybe she thought she saw him because she had been thinking of him all the time. She didn’t know what to think.

She remembered the day Jack had left.

I wish could have held onto you and never let go. I wish I had recorded your voice so I could hear it over and over again. I wish I had told you that you meant a lot to me. But I didn’t, and now I’m lost. I’m lost without you, she thought, crying. She didn’t know why she was still alive. This sadness was killing her; she didn’t know what the reason for her being in this cruel world was. There was such emptiness in her.

She lay on her bed for a moment, thinking. She came up with an idea, something that would end her sadness. Tomorrow would be the day; she would do something to end everything--her pain, her misery, her thoughts, and her life.

Chapter Nine