Chapter Fifteen

Rose woke up to the sound of the wedding march being hummed in her ear by Jack.

"What time is it?" Rose asked sleepily.

"Ten," Jack said, feeling hyper.

"Then why did you wake me up? I still could have gotten a good hour of sleep," Rose said, turning over.

"Then go ahead," Jack said.

"I can’t. You woke me up," Rose said.

"Oh," Jack said.

"Yeah," Rose said, and got out of bed. "I’m going to go and take a shower," she said, and she went into the other room.


It was two o’clock when Jack and Rose entered a little room where they would get their marriage license done before their wedding. Rose and Jack signed their names on the marriage license. The captain performed the ceremony. The rings were absolutely gorgeous, and so was their wedding kiss. The oak doors to the ballroom opened, and streamers and rice were thrown at them as they exited.

Libby and Frank were the first ones to greet them as a newly married couple. Libby handed Jack and Rose a bottle of champagne.

"Now, a toast to the newly married couple, that they will be together forever," Libby said, and lifted up her glass.

Everyone to took a sip and watched Jack and Rose sip theirs.

All the guests applauded after they drank, and Jack and Rose kissed. The band started to play, and Jack and Rose were the first to dance. The band started to sing, and everyone applauded. Libby and Frank held each other as they cried happily.

"Libby, I think this is the greatest wedding we have done so far," Frank said, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"I know, Frank. How about another glass of champagne?" Libby asked, handing him a glass.

"Sure. What the hell," Frank said, and held the glass as Libby poured the champagne.

Jack and Rose danced around the ballroom. They were in their own little world. Everything was a blur to them. The band was singing one of their hits, This I Promise You.

Rose had tears in her eyes as she and her new husband danced around the ballroom.

"Are you happy?" Jack asked.

"Yes, from now to eternity."

The End.
