Chapter Two

"I can't believe that there isn't a dress that doesn't cost less than a thousand dollars," Maria said as she stirred the spaghetti sauce.

"What did you think that it would cost for a wedding dress, fifty cents?" Jack asked as he helped set the table. "Those dresses at that Special Occasions store were for a good buy."

"Jack, they were crappy dresses," Maria said, turning away from the stove.

"You didn't think they were crappy when you were posing in them in front of me," Jack said as he filled their glasses with red wine.

"How do you know? You were too busy checking out that redhead," Maria said, stirring the sauce.

"I was not checking out any girl, Maria," Jack said, but he was not very good at lying.

"Jack Dawson, I know that look on your face. It means that you’re lying," Maria said. She started to pretend that she was crying. "Just face it, Jack. I'm the ugliest girl in Queens," Maria said.

Jack sighed. "Oh, Maria. Maria," he said as he went over and hugged her. "Your the best beautician in Queens," he said, stroking her hair.

"So, I'm not beautiful. Is that it?" Maria asked, her hands on her hips.

"You are very beautiful," Jack said. "Maria, please stop pretend crying. We're getting married on Sunday, honey. I have something that will make you feel better."

Maria suddenly felt better, and she looked up at Jack. "Really? What is it?" she asked.

"Close your eyes and don't peek," Jack said.

"Hurry up, Jack, baby. My eyes can't be closed all day," Maria said.

Jack, baby. I hate that name! I hate babycakes, too! Jack thought as he took the surprise out of his sock and underwear drawer. Jack and Maria had met in college, and had been head over heels ever since…well, sort of. Maria opened her eyes, sighing when she saw an envelope.

"An envelope, Jack?" Maria asked as she held it up.

"Look inside the envelope, Maria," Jack said, chuckling.

"Oh, right," Maria said, opening it. Tickets? Maria thought, and then she gasped. "Titanic II? Oh, my God. Jack, how did you get these...and in first class?" Maria asked. She jumped up and down, hugging and kissing him. "Thank you, Jack! Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank God I got a new bikini."

After supper, when Maria and Jack were getting ready for bed, she decided to try on her new swimsuit. Jack was reading a book when suddenly he heard a shout. It was Maria. He ran to the bathroom.

"Maria, what is it?" Jack asked.

"I have thunder thighs!" Maria moaned.

Chapter Three