Chapter Three

"So, how are the stocks, honey?" Rose asked Mark as she placed the croissants on the table.

"Good. Real good. Did you know that there was a Titanic in 1912, and it was sunk by an iceberg?" Mark asked Rose as he poured some wine.

"Well, Mark, that's really comforting to know, and yes, I do know that there was one," Rose said as she sat down.

"Yeah. The guy that's this ship’s builder is a descendant of the guy who designed the first one. I smell a bad omen," Mark said as he sprinkled parmesan cheese on his manicotti.

"Mark, please don't give me second thoughts about this trip," Rose said as she poured some wine into her glass.

"Aw…sweetpea. You have to remember that that was about eighty-six years ago, when people were still coming out of their caves. Technology has improved over the years, and the people on this Titanic aren't as dumb as the ones on the other one. Just trust me on this. Okay?" Mark asked as he chuckled and took a sip of his wine. Rose nodded her head and smiled.

"All right." The rest of supper was quiet. After supper, Mark helped Rose do the dishes.

"Mark, when are you going to go and get your tux?" Rose asked as she put a plate in the dish drainer for Mark to dry.

"Tomorrow. Why?" Mark asked as he dried a dish and put it in the cabinet.

"I want to go with you," Rose said as she took a wine glass and put it in the soapy dishwater.

"To get the tux? Why?" Mark asked again, this time annoyed.

"To pick up my dress, my shoes, and my veil. Plus, I want to make sure that I like your tux. I think that it is only fair, since you had to go with me to pick up my dress and stuff," Rose said as she pulled the plug in the sink to drain the water out.

Mark sighed, and said, "All right." He put the wine glass away.

"Thank you," Rose said, kissing him.

She walked away to put on her pajamas, and Marked smiled, saying, "You’re welcome. Where are you going?"

Rose turned around, and said, "To bed, so I won't be sleepy-eyed to watch you try on your tux."

"Oh, honey, it's only nine o'clock," Mark said, looking at his watch.

"Honey, don't those newspapers tell you anything besides the stocks? Today was the beginning of daylight savings time. Put your watch forward an hour. It's ten o'clock," Rose said as she came closer to him and put her hands on Mark's cheeks.

"Oh, right. Well, I suppose I’d better come to bed, also," Mark said, following Rose.

"Good idea," Rose said, not turning around this time.

"So, what is it again? Spring, you put your clock ahead an hour, or is it back an hour?" Mark asked, but there was no reply.

Chapter Four