Chapter Ten

"Drop the gun, Hockley," a voice said behind him.

"Jack?" Rose asked, as Hockley turned around to see who it was.

"Drop it, Hockley!" Jack said, holding up the gun with a team behind him.

Cal dropped the gun down on the floor, and his guards pointed their guns at Jack.

"Yeah, you guys drop them, too. There are more of us than you," Jack said, pointing his gun at the guards.

They put the guns down also, and the police went over to cuff them.

Jack ran over to Rose, and embraced her in his arms.

"Are you okay, Rosie?" Jack asked, after kissing her.

"I'm fine, Jack. I'm fine," Rose said.

"Rose, is that you?" A voice came from behind Jack and Rose.

Jack and Rose looked behind them, and saw James walking down the steps with a blindfold over his eyes and his hands tied behind his back with rope. His clothes were tattered, and his hair was all messed up.

"James?" Rose said in a whisper.

"Rose?" James asked again, and Rose came closer to where he was.

Jack then felt his heart sink exactly like the Titanic, except it was only two seconds, instead of two hours. Yet, Jack had to remember that the diamond on Rose's finger was there for a perfect reason. Jack had to remember that. He had to also remember that he had to not show his feelings in front of James.

"All right, let's get these people in the cars," Jack said to the police officers.

Jack looked back one more time at Rose. She was taking off the blindfold, and there was a long pause as James and Rose looked into each other's eyes. Then they kissed, and it was a long passionate kiss. Then, Jack turned away to do the rest of what was left for him to do.

"Surprised that I'm not dead?" James asked.

"Yes, I am," Rose said, laughing. "Why didn't you tell me?"

James looked around, and said, "After you left, the coroner was actually working for Hockley..."

And with those words that James said, Jack then stopped his moving from up the stairs. He listened very closely to what happened. Jack was in complete silence as he listened to the rest of the story.

"Unfortunately, I was unconscious, and could not yell for help. When I woke up, the bullets were out of me, and they wanted to know where the diamond was," James said.

Rose looked at James, and said, "And then you told them that I have it."

James nodded his head, and Rose shook hers.

"James, I don't," Rose said.

James then started to look at Rose's hands, and pointed to it...it was the engagement ring.

Rose let out a gasp, and said, "So it wasn't an engagement ring?"

James shook his head, and laughed, saying, "Did you really think that's what it was? It was supposed to be a secret place for where the diamond is suppose to stay. I guess it did it right."

Jack, who was still listening, James, and Rose heard a noise of a click. James and Rose turned around to see Hockley with a gun.

"Oh, how touching. Now, the diamond, Hockley."

Rose looked confused. "Wait, if you're not Hockley, then James is..." she said.

"Yes, I'm Hockley. It seems that my plan almost worked, except for one little detail," the real Hockley said, and quickly took a gun out of his pocket, and shot the real James, making him fall to the ground.

Rose shrieked as he fell to the ground, and she turned, looking at Hockley, and slapped him. She started to run away to get where Jack was, but he grabbed Rose, and said, "Oh, no, you don't."

Rose started to yell. "Jack, help!"

Hockley put his hand over Rose's mouth, and pointed the pistol to her head. "Say another word, and you will the one who will be killed first," Hockley said.

Jack heard the cry for help, and took the gun out of his jacket. He started to walk slowly down the steps again, and put his back to the wall with the gun in his hand.

"Yes, that poor Dawson is going first, but since you two love each other so much, I decided for you two to die together."

Rose could feel the tears swell up in her eyes as Hockley still held his hand over her lips and the gun to her head.

"DROP IT!" Jack said, as he saw Hockley with the gun pointed to Rose's head.

Hockley took the gun away from Rose's hand and shot at Jack. Rose yelled as Hockley pulled the trigger, and she watched Jack fall to the ground. Rose froze in silence as Jack lay there, holding his arm in agony.

Chapter Eleven