Chapter Eleven

"Oh, God. Oh, God, no!" Rose said, as Hockley let go of Rose.

Rose ran over to Jack and bent down on her knees beside him. Rose looked into Jack's eyes. Jack could see that Rose wanted to know if he was all right, but she couldn't say it.

Jack shook his head, and said, "It's not that bad."

He took her hand, smiled, and kissed it. Rose smiled, but she was scared what would happen next. Hockley came back over to Rose, and grabbed her by the arm.

"All right, now it's time to die," Hockley said.

He chained Rose up to a wall, and cuffed her to locks that were hanging from the wall.

Hockley then walked out of the room, and she looked over at Jack who was still grasping his arm, and saying to himself, out loud, "It's not that bad. It's not that bad."

Hockley came back in and set a bomb in front of her.

"See this? You've got an hour left to live, and then--KABOOM!" Hockley said, and laughed. Going over to Jack, he said, "Take good care of that shoulder, and that girl," and he walked out of the room.

Rose looked over at Jack, who was looking sleepy.

"Jack. Jack! Come unlock me Jack, come unlock me. Don't pass out on me, Jack. Come on, don't do it," Rose said, trying to keep Jack awake.

Rose could move her arms around, since they weren't chained up where her hands hung above her. They were just chained on a wall with quite some slack. Jack stumbled up from the ground and grasped his arm. He started crawling over to where Rose was, but he couldn't. He then saw a huge old-fashioned ax, and he swung it over to Rose. Jack looked at Rose, and Rose looked at Jack.

"I trust you," Jack said, and collapsed back down on the floor.

"Jack. Jack! Jack, please wake up!" Rose said.

Rose then remembered to get the ax, and with one big swing one side of the chain that held Rose's right arm to the wall was free. Now, it was time for the left side, and she swung, but also cutting some of her white dress. Yet, her left arm was free, and now it was time to get her and Jack out of this mansion. Rose went straight over to Jack, and tried to feel a pulse.

"Oh, thank God!" Rose said out loud, as she felt Jack's pulse beat steadily. Rose shook Jack, and said, "Jack. Jack? I'm going to pick you up now, and you need to start to walk. There is a bomb in here and we don't have much time to waste. I trust you."

Rose kissed Jack's hand. Rose swung one of Jack's arms over hers and helped Jack pull himself up. They started to stumble over to the stairs, where there were tons of steps, and they were steep.

"Oh, God," Rose said to herself, looking up at the stairs.

Rose started to go up the steps with Jack.

Rose looked over at Jack, and said, "Don't take this personally, but I can tell that someone has been working out."

Rose looked over at Jack, and he chuckled, and mumbled something that seemed to say, "...you're pretty smart for a supermodel."

Rose laughed, and kept on going up the steps. Rose approached the last step, and came over to the two huge wooden doors. They were locked, and Rose cursed under her breath. Rose decided to go back to the bedroom that kept her captive for the first day here at the mansion. As Jack and Rose started to go up another flight of stairs, she saw an elevator.

"Yes!" Rose said. "Look, Jack, what do we have here?"

Jack looked up and mumbled, "...a bloody lift."

Rose nodded, and said, "Close enough," and they stepped into the elevator. "All right, let's go to the next level up," Rose said, and pushed the button.

The elevator box jolted, and then started to go up.

It then stopped, and the iron gate opened. Rose could feel Jack leaning more against her, and she knew that she needed to hurry up, and get out. She then found the room, and Jack and Rose went through the door that she went through earlier, and then went down the steps. Jack and Rose slipped a couple of times, but nothing that bad. Rose could feel that Jack was starting to lose consciousness, and she went through the passage. She saw red and blue lights. She knew that she and Jack did it.

"I need an ambulance!" Rose said.

And they brought one over, and they also brought a blanket over for Rose.

"Are you okay? What happened to Jack?" Fabrizio asked.

"Jack was shot by Hockley, and I'm fine," Rose said, wrapping her the blanket around her more tightly.

Fabrizio nodded, and one of the medics looked over at Rose, and asked, "Would you like to ride along in the ambulance?"

Rose nodded her head, and said, "Yes, please."

The medic helped her in, and they drove to the hospital.

Chapter Twelve