Chapter One

"Jack, we have a case for you," Detective Shul said, placing a manila envelope on Jack's desk.

"What is it?" Jack asked, opening the folder.

"Last night, by the church, a man was shot to death. The only witness is his girlfriend, and she won't talk to anyone but Americans. Which is where you step in." Detective Shul leaned against Jack's desk.

Jack shook his head, and said, "It's a crazy world out there. When do I get started?"

Detective Shul chuckled to himself, and replied, "Tomorrow. You remind me exactly like your father. Always ready to start on the case, no matter what kind. He was a good man. Too bad that lung cancer stopped him."

Jack nodded his head, and said, "Sometimes I wish my dad were here to help me on cases like these. Do I get a partner?"

"Yeah, di Rossi will help you with this one," Detective Shul said.

Jack was happy to hear that Fabrizio was helping him out. When they both decided to move over to Paris, it felt like nothing could come between their friendship.

Jack was not that lucky with the ladies, because he was way into his cases. He had the good looks and everything, but not the time. Of course there were female detectives and police, but he never communicated with them. That is where Fabrizio stepped in. He would always tell Jack about "the most wonderful girl I picked up last night."

Jack would just laugh, and act as if he was really interested to hear about him having affairs with different girls.

Jack's mom and dad had had difficult times. Jack's dad was French, and his mother American. When they divorced, Jack lived over in New York, and went to the police academy in New York also. Yet, he decided to go and do his duty over in Paris like his father.

Jack's father died eight weeks after Jack moved over to Paris.

Jack saw Fabrizio come closer.

"Hey Jack, I just heard the news that we have this case together!" Fabrizio said, giving Jack a high-five.

"Yeah. Pretty cool, huh?" Jack said, chuckling.

"So, what is the case about, anyway?" Fabrizio asked, chuckling.

"A man was shot to death in front of the church, and the only witness is his girlfriend. She will only talk to Americans," Jack said, showing Fabrizio the manila folder.

"My God," Fabrizio said, looking through the folder on the report.

"My thoughts exactly," Jack said.

Chapter Two