Chapter Two

Rose hung up the phone after she got through talking to the police.

"That was Detective Shul. The new detective should be here any minute," Rose told Rachel and Jessica.

"Would you like us to leave you alone when the detective comes?" Jessica asked.

"Uh, no. The detective might want to question you," Rose said, looking at the engagement ring.

"We're so sorry about everything, Rose," Rachel said.

"Yes. I am too," Rose said. "Well, I might as well get ready for the day."

Rose headed into her bedroom to get dressed.

"We might as well, too. Come on," Rachel said to Jessica.

"I wonder if she's cute," Fabrizio said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"What?" Jack asked, driving the car towards the witness's place.

"I said, I wonder if she is cute," Fabrizio said, looking out the window.

"It doesn't matter, now, does it, Fabri? This girl has been through a lot, and this is strictly business. You and your girls," Jack said, shaking his head.

"I wonder if she has any friends," Fabrizio said.

"Fabrizio!" Jack said.

"What? I'm a guy. What do you expect? And may I remind you that you're one too...you should start acting like one," Fabrizio said, pointing at Jack.

"So, what are you trying to say? Just because I'm too busy for relationships I'm disrespecting my guy thing?" Jack asked, turning a corner.

"Are you gay?" Fabrizio asked seriously.

"WHAT? Hell no!" Jack said, in surprise.

"All right, then," Fabrizio said, innocently.

"Hell no!" Jack said back, with anger.

"All right, now. Jack, chill, a brother has got to ask," Fabrizio said.

Jack shook his head, cooling down. "What are you doing with my coffee, Fabri? Give it back," Jack said.

Fabrizio handed Jack his coffee, and he took a sip of it.

"All right. We're here. Now, Fabrizio, no flirting, no asking stupid questions, and keep your hands to yourself. For this round, I'm gonna ask the questions. All right?" Jack asked.

Fabrizio shook his head and rolled his eyes, replying with, "Yes, mother."

Jack and Fabrizio went to the front desk of the hotel.

"Can I help you?" the clerk asked.

"Uh, yeah, I want to know which room Rose DeWitt-Bukater is in," Jack said.

"I'm sorry, but if you are not related to her, you cannot see her," the clerk said.

"Will police work?" Jack asked, showing his badge.

"Yes, that will work perfectly. Second level, fifty-two," the clerk said, smiling.

Jack smiled back, and said, "Thank you."

Fabrizio followed Jack to the elevator. Fabrizio pushed the number two button, and the door closed.

As they approached door fifty-two, Jack felt nervous for some reason. Jack knocked on the door, and it wasn't long until a fiery redhead answered the door with spiral locks, and baby blue eyes. For the first time in a while, Jack had that feeling in his stomach.

"Hi, Is Rose DeWitt-Bukater here?" Jack asked.

"Yes, I am her. Come in," Rose said, and opened the door a little wider for them to step in.

Rose closed the door behind Fabrizio, who was the last one to enter.

"Have a seat," Rose said, and sat right across from the detective.

"I'm Detective Jack Dawson, and this is my partner Fabrizio di Rossi," Jack said, introducing themselves.

"Hello," Rose said, and nodded.

"Now, can you please explain to us your side of the story?" Jack asked, opening up his little notebook.

"I already told the police," Rose replied.

"I wasn't here when they asked you, and I need to take my own personal notes, Miss DeWitt-Bukater," Jack said.

"Well, James--my boyfriend--and I were walking around Paris. He wanted to show me around Paris, and all its beauty. While we were looking at the church, he looked at me and said my name, and then I heard a gunshot and he was on the ground. He was going to propose to me!" Rose said, and cried hysterically.

Jack gave Rose his hanky from his pocket. "I'm very sorry. I bet he was a good man," Jack said.

Rose dried her tears with Jack's hanky. "It was a perfect love...gone wrong," Rose said.

"Do you have any close friends with you?" Jack asked.

"Yes, Rachel and Jessica. They're here. Would you like to talk to them?" Rose asked.

"Well, if it's not too much trouble," Jack said.

Rose called their names, and Fabrizio was surprised to see not one but two more gorgeous women enter the room.

"Detective Dawson, this is Jessica, and Rachel," Rose said, introducing them.

Jack and Fabrizio nodded their heads. Jack thought that Jessica and Rachel were pretty, but not as pretty as Rose. Jack asked the two ladies his questions, but it was not enough to give more theory to the case.

"Miss DeWitt-Bukater, can you think of anybody at all who would want to hurt James, your boyfriend?" Jack asked.

Rose thought for a minute, and said, "Why, yes there was. I imagine someone named Hockley."

Jack looked at Fabrizio, as if they had heard that name before.

"I take it you have heard the name before?" Rose asked.

"Yes, we have. Too many times. If it's all right, we would like to come back tomorrow," Jack said.

"Actually, I have a photo shoot, but you can come over to the photo shoot," Rose said.

"Where is it at?" Jack asked.

Rose wrote down the address, and gave it to Jack.

"Thank you, for everything," Rose said.

"No, thank you," Jack said, and closed the door behind him.

"Dang, Rose, they are cute," Jessica said.

"You said it," Rachel chimed in.

"I'll never like another man again. James was my last and will always be my last," Rose said, looking at the engagement ring.

"All right! Now we get to go out and look at those babes half naked!" Fabrizio said.

"No, not we. I," Jack said, chuckling.

"What, why?" Fabrizio said, bummed.

"First, I saw how you were looking at those girls. Second, I need you to check out the crime scene more," Jack said.

Fabrizio sighed, and said, "Man, I never get to have no fun."

Jack laughed, getting into the car. "Oh, poor Fabri, you never get to have any more fun," Jack said.

"You said it," Fabrizio said, buckling his seat belt.

Chapter Three