Chapter Three

"All right, now, hold that pose...awesome, loving it, babe!" the photographer called, telling Rachel how she looked best.

"Awesome, girlfriend! Rose! Get your cute little groove thang over here," the male French photographer called out. "All right, now, Rose, may I say that shredded white rose dress fits those baby blue eyes perfectly!"

"Thanks, Peri," Rose said, smiling.

"All right, now, let's see what our Rose can do today."

Peri got behind the camera and started to shoot photos. Yet, none of the models knew that Jack was watching Rose. He was thinking that she looked so beautiful. He watched as she held back all of her emotions behind her, and let it go.

"Rose, that was wonderful!" Peri said.

"Thanks!" Rose called back, and was surprised to see Jack in front of her.

"Good morning," Jack said.

"Good morning. I wasn't expecting you at this time," Rose said.

"Well, I never stated a specific time. I decided to come early so that you can do the stuff that you usually do," Jack said.

"Well, I really can't do most of the stuff that I used to do since James is gone," Rose said, chuckling.

"I'm sorry," Jack said, as they started walking.

"Well, it's not your fault, but thank you for your sympathy," Rose said.

"You're welcome. I know how it feels like to lose a loved one," Jack said.

Rose looked at Jack, saying, "Go on."

Jack looked down at the ground and sighed. "Well, when I was transferred here, I spent some time with my father. He was suffering from lung cancer, and I decided to take his place. Well, it was about eight weeks later when he died."

Rose gave a slight smile, and said, "I'm sorry."

Jack shook his head. "Don't be. Well, shall we start with what I was here to do?"

Rose nodded her head.

Before Jack started he looked around and saw all the people. "Why don't we got somewhere else?" Jack said.

"Like where?" Rose asked.

"How about a restaurant? Nobody really listens to other's conversations," Jack said.

Rose nodded her head. "All right, then."

Jack smiled, and said, "Great."

Rose smiled back, and drove to a beautiful restaurant in Jack's car. Jack helped Rose get out of the car.

Jack and Rose sat down to start the questioning. "How about something to eat?" Jack asked.

"Detective Dawson, I thought we came here to ask questions to solve my loved one's murder," Rose said.

"I know, but it is close to lunch, and wouldn't you like something to eat?" Jack asked.

"Well I guess, but only because of the exception that it is close to lunch," Rose said.

"All right, then, WAITER!" Jack called out.

"Can I help you?" the waiter asked.

"Um, why don't we start with beverages. I'll take some tea, and what will you have, Miss DeWitt-Bukater?" Jack asked, looking at Rose.

"Um, how about water," Rose said.

"All right, then, I'll be back later with your beverages," the waiter said.

"Call me Jack," Jack said.

"What?" Rose asked, looking up from her menu.

"Jack, my first name. You can call me by my first name," Jack said.

Rose put down her menu. "Detective Dawson, I am not wanting to start another relationship for a while. This lunch is only for business, and I would like to keep it business. So, I will call you Detective Dawson and I would appreciate it if you would call me Miss Rose," Rose said.

Jack smiled, and said, "All right."

The waiter came back with the drinks, and gave them to the couple.

"Are we ready to order?" the waiter asked, taking out his notebook.

"Yes, I'll take the potatoes with steak...Miss Rose?" Jack asked, properly.

"Salad, hold the dressing," Rose said, closing the menu.

The waiter took the menus, and headed off.

"I have the slight feeling that you are walking towards the side of not liking me," Jack said.

"Well, now, why would you think that?" Rose asked, chuckling sarcastically.

"You are uncomfortable," Jack said.

"I am not," Rose replied.

"Yes, you are. Listen, I have dealt with this before. I can feel the iceberg coming toward me. This does not offend me at all," Jack said.

"Well, good. I'll keep it up," Rose said.

"Now, while we wait let's begin the questioning," Jack said, taking out his notebook.

"It's about time," Rose replied.

Jack looked at Rose, then down at the notebook. "Now, how long had you and your lover been dating?" Jack asked.

"Um, a week or so," Rose replied.

Jack wrote it down, and began to ask the next question. "Had you seen, or heard, your lover talk to or meet the man named Hockley?" Jack asked.

"Well, there were conversations on the phone, and there was one time when he wasn't able to go out for a night. Other than that, no," Rose said.

Jack looked up at Rose. "Did you know what your boyfriend worked for?" Jack asked.

Rose shook her head, and seemingly surprised, she replied with, "Why, no, now that you have asked me that. But then again he might have told me and I might have just not wanted to know."

Jack nodded, and asked more questions. "One last question," Jack said.

"All right," Rose said.

"Have you ever met the man named Hockley?" Jack asked.

Rose shook her head. "No, but then again I might have seen him, but didn't know that it was him," Rose replied.

Jack nodded and wrote that down, and then their meals came. Jack and Rose began to eat, and so far it was quiet.

"Jack, I'm sorry for the way I acted. It's just that with his death, and the murder, it has all been quite hard for me," Rose said.

"It's all right. I know what you're going through, and I'm sorry for dragging you here," Jack said.

"I don't mind at all," Rose replied, and smiled.

Jack smiled back.

Chapter Four