Chapter Four

"Well, what happened?" Rachel asked Rose, who was going through a rack in a store.

"What do you mean, what happened?" Rose asked.

"What I mean is, what happened?" Rachel said, chuckling.

"Nothing, nothing at all. He took me to lunch at that restaurant that I commented on the other day--that I thought was really pretty--he took he back to the hotel, and he said good-bye," Rose said, trying on a hat.

"What? No kissing? No anything? Rose DeWitt-Bukater, I think that this is a new record for you," Jessica said.

"He is the detective, people, he is a GENTLEMAN!" Rose replied.

"What are you saying--that James wasn't a gentleman?" Jessica asked.

"I didn't say that," Rose replied. "James was always a gentleman, and you two both know that. Don't you dare to start putting words in my mouth."


Jack was writing in the folder, about the research he needed for the man named Hockley, and about the answers Rose had given him.

"So, Jack, how was yesterday?" Fabrizio asked Jack.

"What do you want to know about from yesterday?" Jack asked.

"Well, why don't we start with the models? Did the photographer give you any copies of the girls?" Fabrizio asked.

"No, Fabri, I'm afraid not," Jack said.

"Well then what else happened?" Fabrizio asked.

"Nothing," Jack replied. Jack got up from his seat with the folder, and started to walk away from the desk.

"Wait. Where are you going?" Fabrizio asked.

"I'm going to see our good old pal Tommy," Jack said, still walking away.

Fabrizio followed Jack. "Wait. Tommy is in the research department, why do we need to go to him?" Fabrizio asked, perplexed.

"I have some research that I need for him to dig up about this Hockley guy," Jack said, swerving around the people in his way, and opening a door that led into coroners and research.

"Oh," Fabrizio replied, still following.

Jack opened the door that was marked Research, and like Jack thought, Tommy was at the computer.

"Jack! Hey, what's up?" Tommy asked.

Tommy was born in France, so he was French. He tried very hard to blend in with Fabrizio and Jack's English slang. So far, he was doing all right.

"Hey, Tommy. I need you to do some research for Fabri and I," Jack said.

"Well, you come to the right place, no?" Tommy asked, chuckling.

Jack and Fabrizio laughed at Tommy's remark.

"What is it?" Tommy asked, putting on his glasses.

"A guy named Hockley. He is a suspect for a murder case," Jack said, opening the folder.

"Yuck," Tommy said.

"What? Have you heard of him before?" Fabrizio asked.

"Way too many times. He has been wanted ever since he was able to buy condoms," Tommy said.

"So, I'll take that as a yes?" Jack asked.

"Yes," Tommy said. "I'll start on this right away."

"Well, how about I go get some coffee, and Fabri and I will stay with you," Jack said.

"OK," Tommy said.

"All right, then, I'll go and get the coffee," Fabrizio said, and went over to the coffee maker.

Tommy cracked all his knuckles as if it was going to take a while to look up this information.

"All right, then, h-o-c-k-l-e-y," Tommy said, and pressed the enter button. "Well, it must be your lucky day. There is only one."

"Oh, good. What's the son of a bitch's name?" Fabrizio asked, giving the coffee to each person.

"Caledon, but his friends and enemies call him Cal for short," Tommy said, clicking through the files. "Wow," he said, in surprise.

"What, what is it?" Jack asked.

"This piece of information is new. I haven't seen it before," Tommy said.

"Well, what is it?" Jack asked.

"Well, it seemed that he had formed a group of his own. Didn't the man that was murdered have the name of James?" Tommy asked.

"Oh, God," Jack said.

Chapter Five