Chapter Six

Jack entered the research department the next day. He noticed that Fabrizio and Tommy were already there. Jack closed the door behind him, and put his coat on the coat rack.

"All right, you're a little late, Jack Dawson. Did it happen?" Fabrizio asked.

Tommy laughed at Fabrizio's remark, and waited for a reply from Jack.

"No, nothing happened. Rose was so upset about this information that she lost it," Jack said, slamming the papers on the desk.

"Rose? Now it's Rose? What happened to Miss DeWitt Bukater?" Tommy asked.

"Nothing happened...Tommy, are you sure this information is correct?" Jack asked, running his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah, I checked the files myself," Tommy said.

"I wish that it wouldn't be like this. I wish that I could just kill the guy, and stuff him in the jail, and throw away the God damned key," Jack said.

"Doesn't everybody? But we can't do that. You will have to get him yourself," Tommy said, patting Jack's back.

"I guess so. Come on. Let's get back to work. We need to find out where this Hockley lives," Jack said, getting settled in a chair.

Then the door opened, and it was one of the secretaries. Fabrizio smiled at her, and so did the secretary.

"Jack, you have a call on line two," the secretary said, and left.

Jack picked up the phone, and said, "Dawson." Jack waited for a reply from the other line.

"Hi, Jack? This is Rose. I just wanted to apologize to you for how I acted. It was rude of me, and if there is anything else you need to tell me, then I will handle it better next time," Rose said, and took a sigh of relief.

"It's all right, Rose, I would have done the same thing. Uh, Rose," Jack said.

Rose was listening. "Yes, Jack?" Rose asked.

Jack was nervous. He really wanted to tell his true feelings for her, instead of this stuttering. "Um, would you like to go to dinner with me tonight?" Jack asked.

"I would love to," Rose said, trying to hold back her joy.

"All right, then. I'll pick you up at seven," Jack said.

"Sounds good to me," Rose said.

Jack was very happy right now, and said, "All right, well, I'll see you at seven."

"All right, then, bye," Rose said, and hung up the phone.

Jack hung up the phone and sighed.

"Dinner? All right, let's go over this. From Miss DeWitt Bukater to Rose, and then Mr. I don't have time for girls, I'm too busy to Mr. come over baby!" Fabrizio said.

"She's a babe!" Tommy said.

"Hey, watch it!" Jack yelled out.

"What, you have a big crush on Christina Aguilera?" Tommy asked.

Jack let out a sigh of anger, and said, "I'm sorry, Tommy. I thought you were talking about Rose. I just don't want anyone to harass her. She has been through a lot."

Tommy and Fabrizio smiled at each other. They knew what was going on.

Later that night...

"Well, do you think it's going to happen?" Jessica asked Rachel.

"I don't know. What do you think?" Rachel asked.

Jessica shrugged her shoulders, and they both laughed.

"Well, do I look okay?" Rose asked, stepping into the room.

"Awesome," Jessica said.

"Do you think that he is going to kiss you tonight?" Rachel asked.

"I don't know, but I hope," Rose said, putting on her earrings.

Jessica and Rachel smiled at each other, and prayed for Rose, to hope for the best.

There was a knock on the door, and Rose answered it. Jack smiled as he looked at Rose, and her true beauty.

"Hi," Rose said.

"Hi," Jack said, overwhelmed.

"Are you ready?" Jack asked.

"Yes, I am," Rose said, and grabbed her purse. "Bye, guys."

"Bye, Rose," Jessica and Rachel said in unison.

Rose closed the door, and Jack and Rose started to walk towards the elevator. As they were going down in the elevator, Jack said, "So when are you going home?"

Rose smiled, and said, "Around two weeks or so."

Jack sighed, and said, "Oh, are you happy about going back?"

Rose sighed, and said, "Well, I love going to faraway places, but when this happens--which is the first--you feel a little bad. About leaving then, oh, I can't explain it." Rose laughed.

"It's fine. That happens to me all the time," Jack said, and the elevator opened.

Rose walked with Jack over to the car, and he opened her side for her.

"Thank you," Rose said, as she stepped in the car. Jack went around to the other side and stepped in.

"So where are we going tonight?" Rose asked.

"Well, there is this really nice place to dance at. I thought we would go there," Jack said, driving out of the parking lot.

Rose smiled, and said, "Really? I love dances."

Jack looked at Rose, and said, "I love them, too."

As they pulled up, they could hear thuds from the music. Jack helped Rose out of the car, and they smiled at each other as they went closer to the dance club.

As they entered, the guard looked to see if they were old enough, and nodded his head. Jack then spotted Fabrizio and Tommy dancing with some girls. They spotted Jack and Rose, but decided to leave them alone for a while. Jack and Rose sat down to get some drinks, and after they finished, Jack stood up and held out his hand.

"Shall we?" Jack asked.

Rose smiled and took his hand, taking her into the middle of the dancing room. Jack and Rose danced for every song, including the slow dance ones.

"Jack!" Fabrizio yelled, as Tommy and some girls came over.

"Hey!" Jack said. "Tommy, this is Rose." Jack introduced Rose to Tommy.

"Hello," Tommy said, shaking Rose's hand.

"Hello," Rose replied.

"Jack and I work together. I'm in the research department," Tommy said.

Rose nodded her head, and Jack and Fabrizio were talking.

"Don't tell anyone this, okay?" Tommy requested.

"All right," Rose said, chuckling.

"As far as I know, you're the first one to go out with Jack for a while. I mean, it's not like he is an idiot or anything. He just was waiting for a perfect girl," Tommy said, taking a swig of beer.

"And why are you telling me this?" Rose asked, smiling.

"Well, what I'm trying to tell you is that you are a very lucky girl," Tommy said, smiling.

"All right. Can I tell you something?" Rose asked.

Tommy nodded, taking another swig of beer.

"This is also my first date for a while," Rose said.

Tommy nodded his head, and said, "Your secret is safe with me."

Just then, Jack and Fabrizio came over.

"Uh oh. Tommy is trying to hook up with Rose," Fabrizio said.

"No. I don't like models. I like singers better. No offense, Rose," Tommy said, standing up from his chair.

"None taken, Tommy," Rose said.

Tommy smiled at her, and looked over at Fabrizio.

"I do," Fabrizio said, smiling.

"Come on, Fabrizio, let's go get some women," Tommy said, and struggled with him.

"Did he say anything that, like, made you uncomfortable?" Jack asked Rose.

Rose shook her head, and said, "No, not at all."

Jack smiled, and said, "Good, you wanna dance some more?"

Rose smiled, and said, "I'd love to."

After they danced a while, they decided to go and eat dinner.

"All right. They may not have escargot here, but it has a great view of the city," Jack said, and stopped the car. As Rose stepped out, she saw the Eiffel tower right in front of her.

"The Eiffel tower?" Rose said, surprised.

Jack smiled, and asked, "Are you upset? Do you want to go somewhere else?"

"Are you kidding? Of course not. I thought that I would never be able to see this!" Rose said, laughing.

"Are you gonna look at it all day, or do you wanna go up there?" Jack asked, chuckling.

"I wanna go up there," Rose said.

"Well, come on," Jack said, and grabbed her by the hand.

Jack and Rose took the elevator up to the very top first, to see what it looked like from the outside.

"Oh, Jack, it's so beautiful," Rose said, looking over the rail.

"It is, isn't it?" Jack said, looking at Rose.

This time, Rose caught him, and she blushed.

"Well, you want to go and eat now?" Jack asked.

"Yup," Rose said, and they went inside to eat.

"What are you getting?" Jack asked.

"I think I'll take the chicken," Rose said, looking over the menu.

"I take it you know French?" Jack asked.

"Yes, fluently. I also know Spanish, German, Swedish, and good old American," Rose said.

Jack laughed, and said, "I'm afraid I only know French and American."

Rose laughed, and said, "That's all right. I would probably only know American if I wasn't a model."

Then the waiter came up. "May I take your order?" the waiter asked.

"I'll take the chicken," Rose said.

"I'll take the fish and chips," Jack said.

"All right," the waiter said, and wrote it down. "Are there any beverages I can get for you?"

"Yes, I'll take a Pepsi," Jack said.

"Club soda for me, please," Rose said.

The waiter walked off, and rolled his eyes.

Later, when Jack was eating his food, he said, "The thing that I miss the most about America is their hot dogs, their Pepsi, and their Starbuck's coffee. The only thing that reminds me of home is fish and chips." He laughed.

"That seems logical. Maybe I can mail you some coffee beans," Rose said, and took a bite of her chicken.

"That won't be necessary," Jack said.

After supper, Jack decided to take Rose back to her hotel. As they approached her room, Jack looked into Rose's eyes.

"I had a great time tonight," Rose said smiling.

"I had a good time, too," Jack said.

Jack's lips came closer to Rose's, and she felt her heart beat even more, knowing the fact that if she kissed him, she would betray the part in wearing the ring on her finger. Then, their lips interlocked and their kiss was long.

"Are your friends in that room?" Jack asked her.

"No, they are three doors down," Rose said.

Chapter Seven