Chapter Seven

Clothes and jewelry were scattered across the floor in the morning when Rose woke up. She looked over at Jack, who was putting on his clothes, and was trying not to disturb her. Rose kissed Jack's neck, and ruffled his shaggy blonde hair.

"Going so soon? It's not even light outside," Rose said in between kisses.

"I gotta go to work, sweetie," Jack said, kissing Rose.

"Can't you miss a day?" Rose asked him.

"I'm afraid not," Jack said.

"It's my case that you're working on. I'll back you up," Rose said, and pulled Jack back into bed with her.

"You're so beautiful," Jack said, rubbing her cheeks.

Rose smiled, and took off Jack's jacket. Then she undid his tie, and said, "Then prove it to me." Jack helped Rose take off his shirt.

Then, suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Oh, shit," Jack said.

Rose put on her robe and covered Jack up with the sheets, putting all the clothes under the sheets. Rose then answered the door, to see Jessica and Rachel there.

"Rose, I have some bad news," Jessica said.

"What? What is it?" Rose asked.

"New York just called, and said that we only have a week left," Rachel said.

Jack heard every word, and was heartbroken.

"What?" Rose asked, as her heart sank.

"I'm sorry, Rose, but they want us back there sooner," Jessica said.

Rose almost had tears in her eyes.

"Rose, are you going to be okay?" Rachel asked.

"Yes, just let me have some time by myself," Rose said, and she closed the door.

Jack came up from under the sheets, and went over to where Rose was. Rose started to cry as she held Jack.

"It's all right, Rose. It's all right," Jack said, petting her hair.

Rose looked up at Jack and kissed him.

"It's all right now," Jack said, but he knew that everything wasn't going to be all right.

Jack was heartbroken, and he knew that Rose was heartbroken. He knew that right here at this moment, he had to be brave for Rose, and get Hockley behind bars.

Chapter Eight