Chapter Eight

Jack was at his desk, trying to get rid of the headache that he had. The headache was from all the stress he had about Rose, and the shortage of time they had left together.

"Hey, Jack, how did last night turn out?" Fabrizio asked.

"Good, but Rose has to leave sooner than I expected," Jack said, taking a sip of coffee. "I'm taking the rest of the day off." Jack grabbed his coat and headed out the door. Jack got in his car and turned on his cell phone to call Rose.

Rose was at the hotel watching a movie called "Casablanca", but it was in French, which was all right with Rose. Rose was crying her eyes out, and drying her tears with Kleenexes. Then the phone rang, and Rose sighed, taking a deep breath, and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Rose said, calmly, through the phone.

"Rose? It's me, Jack. I'm coming over," Jack said, turning the corner of a street.

Rose smiled, and said, "Oh, wonderful! I'll be right here waiting for--"

Then, Rose shrieked, and the line went dead.

"Rose? Rose? Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" Jack said, and hung up the phone, going faster.

As Jack approached the hotel, he grew more concerned about what might have happened to Rose. As Jack kicked open the door with his foot, he looked all over for Rose, but she was nowhere in sight. He looked through the balcony and saw a streak of blood on the curtain, and the floor. He also saw Rose's scarf, which smelled like peppermint. Jack started to cry. What could have happened to his beloved Rose?

"Hockley," Jack said under his breath. Jack called the police department on his cell phone. "Fabrizio? Get me Detective Shul now!" Jack said, holding the scarf. "This is Dawson, Rose is gone, I need a team down here. At the hotel here, there is some evidence...yeah, Hockley," Jack said, and hung up the phone. "I will not sleep a wink until I find Rose," Jack said, and kissed the scarf, putting it in his pocket.


Rose's mouth was covered with a red handkerchief, and her legs and feet were wrapped with rope.

"Now, tell us where the diamond is. And we might just let you leave without any new scars on that beautiful, sexy body of yours," Hockley said, petting Rose's hair.

Rose then jerked her head away from his grasp, and made a sound of anger. Hockley then took the handkerchief off Rose's mouth and kissed her.

Rose then spit in his face, and said, "I do not know what diamond you are talking about."

Cal wiped away the spit, and said, "Don't be foolish with me. Tell me where the diamond is!"

Rose stayed quiet, for she didn't know where the diamond was.

"I grow tired of asking this question. If you won't tell where the diamond is, then you will sleep with the sewer rats...take her away!" Cal said, and pointed to a wooden door.

"You can take those ropes and stuff off of her. If she wants to escape, she'll have to be a kung-fu master," Cal said, and laughed.

"You'd be surprised," Rose said, under her breath.


Jack was in with all the detectives and the high policemen.

"So, do we know exactly where Hockley is?" Detective Shul asked.

"We asked some witnesses, and they were able to name the license plate and the type of car, but not enough information to track down where their hideout is," the Chief of Police replied.

Just then, Tommy came in with a folder.

"Excuse me, but can I speak to Jack?" Tommy asked.

Jack got up from his chair, and went out the door with Tommy.

"What is it?" Jack asked, opening the folder.

"See this guy?" Tommy asked.

Jack nodded his head, and said, "Yeah."

"Well, he owns a bar, like, a couple of streets from here. He has been spotted with Hockley's gang, and every night they go there. Now, from the information that I have, Hockley and Tony tell each other everything," Tommy said.

Jack smiled, and said, "Thanks, Tom." He ran off.


Jack pulled up to the bar, and entered. He looked for the man that was shown in the picture. Luckily, since it was daytime, the bar wasn't filled at all, and he had met this man before.

"Hey, Jack, listen, I told you. I quit drugs. I'm done with that business," Tony said, coming closer to Jack.

"Hello, Tony," Jack said.

"Can I get you a drink?" Tony asked.

"No, but I want to know the deal with Hockley and his kidnapping," Jack said. "Don't play games with me, Tony, tell me." Jack came closer.

"Listen, I don't know anything about it," Tony said.

"If you want to actually go home tonight without any scars, then you gotta tell me about the kidnapping," Jack said.

"You can't do that! That's like, bad! Only citizens can do that!" Tony said.

"All right, then, you want to play it that way?" Jack asked, and took out his gun and badge, and then he rammed Tony against the wall, saying "Now, I'm a citizen! Now, dammit, tell me where the hideout is and where they got her." Jack looked at Tony with a stern look.

Tony put his hands up, and said, "Okay, so maybe I know a little bit."

Jack put him down, and said "Talk."

"All right, Caledon is looking for a diamond. Very small, but very precious, and has a lot of worth," Tony said.

"Then why do they want the girl?" Jack asked.

"They think the girl has the diamond, and Caledon wants her. That's why James was killed. James was supposed to just seduce the girl, or something, but instead he actually fell in love with her, and when Caledon found out, he went off the walls, and killed him," Tony said.

"Is that all? What about the hideout?" Jack asked.

"At the old Winzeir tower, is where Hockley lives, and his victims...that's all I know," Tony said.

Jack let go of him, put his badge and gun back on, and left.

Chapter Ten